I'm from South Dakota we do it the opposite! In the winter, the wind blows up to 60 mph during blizzards. The snow would just fill up the space that the lap siding causes resulting in water damage over time. We always install the corners first then siding. That way the siding has a tight fit to the corners. Caulk and paint do the rest. All houses get closed face soffit as well for the same reasons. Vented for the flats, unvented for the eaves
Glad you got a hard hat and vest for the porch
Done lots of hardy siding, but we always put our corner boards on first. Then butt into them with a 1/16 inch gap. In the pnw btw.
Here in NZ we cut a scriber trim ,scribed to the weather board and flush with corner trim, caulked and fixed, same to the windows and exterior doors, waterproofed
That paint brush trick is friggin GENIUS. You can use that cap over and over again. LOVE THAT.
PNW (Whidbey Island) builder here and long time admirer of your videos, except this one. I never see this anymore unless it's on a cheap spec home or diy. Its an unfinished look, let's bee's and other pests in. The home should be air sealed before siding but if you happen to miss some leakes, a well caulked siding helps with that. With that said, I like your work enough that you could probably convince me why this way is better
Seems like a great place for bees nests and (at least where i live) for flys and ladybugs to congregate
Ok awesome framer, we understand the utility. Question is, would you do this on your house if you were using that siding? Or would you look at it everytime you walk outside and think about it? Also I think it’s probably easier to get 2x trim and just butt the siding to it. No gaps.
perfection - a rare quality nowadays
Here in Alabama you rarely see this anymore, but on old houses I've seen that have this last longer and are more well built then anything new
Brilliant!! I love it!
In new Zealand we also do a scriber beside the corners
Interesting. Here in south Louisiana that is considered a big no no. The regional differences are fascinating
Solid 👏🏼
That brush in the lid thing is sooooo freaking slick!! Any tip for getting a good seal with the tape?
These are the houses that last for ever... Inspected.. Accepted
Surprising since I thought PNW coastal areas were temperate rain forest. Makes sense under covered porches, and arid climates. Wouldn’t work very well in upper Midwest. Thanks for sharing.
You lost your little Orange end bit for the gun. Great vid thanks I’ll use that tip with the board on the ground
Its definitely interesting how differently places do different things. We usually do trim first and lap 2nd unless its sheet. Im also new to lp so i was using a spray exterior primer to seal the ends. Is that not ok? Ive only done 2 chimneys so far with lp so maybe i should seal the ends with something else.