
Insane they put that post at the end of the lane!  And it's not a break-away post!  The post will cut your car in half and not move an inch!


Obviously this dude has a lot of money


Still on Alfa testing right ?


If you let your car drive around on its own while you sit there and it crashes, its your fault. How lazy do you have to be to not want to turn the wheel or hit the pedals?! Smh


Putting your full trust in a self driving car in my opinion is just plain dumb. The moment he saw that the “truck” wasn’t turning, he should have grabbed the wheel. Imagine if a person had been standing there.


If you look at the intersection, the city failed to create a gradual curb.  Look at the picture of where the light post is located.  Good test case for stupid curb designs.


No Matter what they call it. We still need to be ATTENTIVE RESPONSIBLE DRIVERS yes. 😮😮😮


This is bad for Tesla guys. Have to watch the videos and see if it was actually on FSD. But this kind of crash is kinda unacceptable with v13


There should be signs that trigger the car to disable self driving mode such as an unrecognized area or dangerous driving pattern.


Love how he's still an apologist like somehow he thinks he's bad for saying something factual that could be perceived as negative criticism lol


Oh dear, you are fanboys... probably have Tesla shares as well, right? The issue here is that FSD CRASHED HIS CAR... pathetic that you and even the driver and so in th3 cult that you can't say what any normal human would say, which is this is worrying.