
Excuse me, but after the government FORCING my husband and I to pay into S.S. for over 60 YEARS, and now we are supposed to say “no problem just keep it”. First PAY US BACK everything we paid into the program, and we will take that money and invest it where we can at least get some return.  And how about paying us INTEREST on OUR money over that 60 year time you used our money foolishly.  We would be multi-millionaires if we hadn’t been ripped off.


I still don't understand why they call social security a hand out , when me and my wife combined paid into it for over 80 years


I’ve paid into Social Security since I was 15.


Please don’t call Social Security a handout.  We the people have always contributed to SS.  
I don’t understand why rich people keep on calling SS a handout.


I wish our government would stop calling  Social Security a handout. We are forced to pay into Social Security our whole lives. How is that a handout???  It's the biggest lie our government continues to repeat over and over again.  Just because you say it over and over doesn't make it truth.


My mother paid into social security her whole working life and then died at 59 before ever collecting a dime of it.


Prices for automobiles and trucks go up and the Quality goes down; ex:   Recalls.   Out of control.


inflation is 12- 15% yet us seniors are only getting a 2.5% increase in SS!


I wasn't aware that SS was a government handout. Workers paid into the system. We should have a long discussion with regards to corporate bailouts, subsidies and the like. Also, billionaires need to pay up with their share of the taxes. Keep it up and the little people will be coming with pitchforks and the billionaires will have no where to hide.


Saving this video. Will be revisiting 10 years from now.


Tod has become the interviewer for the blue collar worker. Really asking the questions for us, to the people who generally get asked about stock marketing forecast investment. He really brings out the salt of the earth, so to speak, from these smart and successful guest. This channel has picked up lots of steam and Todd still has much on the table to talk about when it comes to the housing market alone. Im always having to explain to people the often over thought problem with properties neglected although mortgages are able to be made now, in rebuttals about this time different.


I will retire next year. After 47 years of working I will be expecting my social security. Are you actually trying to tell me it won't be there? Without it I won't survive. Do this and prepare yourself for an armed revolt.


This is another outstanding Peter Schiff interview. Thanks, Todd. Even if Peter isn't right about everything, he is more right than wrong. Who could argue that the USA is moving in the right direction financially? Kicking the can not be the answer forever!


Social Security is not a handout; everyone pays for it. We need to stop scaring people. A budget for your house and a budget for a country are different. All we do is cannibalize each other. We advocate for taking away benefits that we will need in the future. Security is a must. You will need help!


Thank you for letting Peter talk, so many shows cut him off.


The only way to feasibly get rid of Social Security is to implement an optional investment fund like an IRA for the next generation of young workers. People over a certain age group who had already put years of contributions into their Social Security would need to be grandfathered.


Todd Sachs does a wonderful show. Always. Love his critique of inferior food processing and crappy  stuff we buy now.


Price gouging does exist. Competition has vastly reduced over the last 40ish years and now we have oligopolies. 
I hear more and more stories that certain food products that might be on recall that are sold to all of the major grocers, which is a practical monopoly.


If they end social security, cold turkey, we will get a depression quickly.  Also, rampant deflation and homelessness will soon follow.  Welfare rolls and budgets will explode.


I am a viewer from Belgium (Europe), and what is very concerning is that here in Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany, and in all other countries, we have the same problems with housing, mortgages, social security, inflation on EVERYTHING, pensions being used to support the war industry, and so on. It is a global problem, yet all our governments and central banks make it seem like a local issue. The middle class and working people around the world are slowly being cornered in a coordinated way.