
PS. Sorry for the lack of content lately! I just went through a major personal life incident that I’ll share more about in an upcoming video. (I’m okay though!)  More videos on the way as soon as possible.


Corporate greed is insane, cereal as dinner for the poor is so outlandish you have to be a trust fund baby to even come up with that


Kellogg's guy can't be cereal right now...

Beans, rice and veggies are way cheaper and more nutritious than a 7 dollar box of cereal.

Has he ever eaten cereal for a meal? That crap won't fill you up.


The US example of a  medicine ad is so foreign to a EU citizen.  Advertising drugs requiring prescription to the general public is entirely forbidden.


Cereal is affordable???? Cereal prices went way up over the past few years, you could buy so much for the price of a box of cereal. And no one is eating or getting full on only one bowl of cereal.


The phrase comes from Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Confessions. He writes of a “great princess who, when told that the peasants had no bread, replied “let them eat brioche”.” Rousseau did not say that it was Marie-Antoinette who said it. The Confessions recount Rousseau’s life until 1765; Marie-Antoinette only arrived in France in 1770.

The French were already pissed off with the royal family and by the time Marie Antoinette tried to help out. They were already furious. She was a victim of her husband's problem and others.


Breakfast for dinner in my house means eggs, toast and fruit. NOT cereal ☠️


Kiana: "Ozempic is the world's first trendy medication."

Viagra: "Am I a joke to you?"


The way he basically said "let them eat cereal for dinner" with his whole chest is beyond WILD


I eat cereal for dinner as the last resort and I don’t feel good about it. It’s a new low. It’s messed up the ceo is trying to normalize it.


Health issues aside, cereal is NOT cost effective! Have you seen the prices these days? A family with kids can easily demolish a box in a night and you’re still hungry after


As an artist, I know titanium dioxide as basically THE white pigment. If youve ever seen a bob ross tutorial, the "titanium" in "titanium white" is exactly what Im referring to. Did not know that it was in our food.


ah pure carbohydrates and sugar for dinner. How well balanced. Pretty sure rice and beans is cheaper than branded cereal, a meal thats a staple in many blue zones.


I'd like to see that CEO do a day of hard labor as a brick layer, pipefitter, farm hand, or nurse in a busy ward, then eat cereal for dinner day after day. Even a mentally draining job like customer service, receptionist, or accountant. How long do you think he'd last? How long could he maintain his own job without adequate protein, fat, or B vitamins?


As a European it has always been really weird seeing prescription drug ads on TV

I don’t want to take ANY medication, if i don’t have a need to do so


When I was a younger mom, I didn’t buy cereal for two reasons: it’s all sugar and it’s EXPENSIVE. Neither of those things have changed.  Cereal is more expensive per pound than most meats and veggies, even with all the recent inflation. A 9 oz box of Froot Loops where I live is .56 an ounce, or $9 a pound. Extra lean ground beef is about $5.5-6.5 a pound. Broccoli is $1.5- $3 a pound. Rice is $1 a pound if you buy a 5 lb bag. Decent cheddar cheese is $5/lb. 

So no. Cereal never has been or is now a decent food choice by any metric other than convenience.


“Let them eat…Frosted Flakes!”

The irony here is that cereal IS NOT affordable. Some name brand cereals are up to 6 or 7 dollars per box! And if you want to be “healthier” so you decide to buy low sugar/low carb options like Magic Spoon off of the shelf (as opposed to online), you will pay around $10 per box. No joke! $10 for a freaking box of cereal!


The ozempic pushing has been next level! I attended a bridal expo earlier this summer, and one of the vendors must have been a company that helps people get ozempic prescriptions. I never even stopped  by their booth, but they sent me an email about how they could help me get a prescription to lose weight for my wedding! It felt suuuper weird.


I literally stopped buying cereal after hearing that from the CEO. Let them eat cake, indeed!

You can make your own granola for much cheaper than the $5-6 per box of cereal. 

Rolled oats. Coconut or olive oil. Honey or maple syrup. Mix and coat (not a lot of it, just helps get the right consistency and get it to clump up a bit like commercial granola). Nuts. Whatever spices you like, cinnamon is good.

Bake low and slow, not above 350 (you can find exact times and temps online), until it smells like cereal. Add dried fruit if you like when it’s done. $5-6 makes easily twice as much granola as a box of cereal, and it’s more dense, so you can eat less of it and it lasts longer.


To quote my fav MD on youtube - Chubbyemu "if you don't need to put something in your body, don't put it in your body" Medication are for people with ilnesses, and ozempic is mainly for diabetes, or off label for obesity that is hard to manage other way. Not to lose 5 kilos before summer!