Six episodes is too short. This show needs at least 12. There is so much material.
I hope we get a season 2 because series have alot of potential.
Harrow Harkonnen is just Theon Greyjoy in space ⌛️
I'm thinking that they want to imply that Desmond is the inspiration for the kwisatz haderack. The breeding program changes from creating the perfect leader to creating their own weapon. So they go through all the motions just to get back to the Atreides and harkonnen mix
Desmond Hart reminds me of Rasputin. The way he charmed the Emperor & Emperess.
Please don't kill off Travis Fimmel! We need a season 2! Amazing review Charlie! Thanks
Francesca showing up and starting a royal family civil war by making Javicco fold and wanna get back with her, pissing off the empress and causing her to start a fling with Desmond and getting Constantine in charge of the fleet lmao.
As a dune reader (read 6 of the series) I LOVE this show sm. I was telling my brother there’s loads of little reader Easter eggs & I’m BEGGGGGGING max to renew it 😭😭😭😭😭
I thought he would be an Atriedas but I did not expect being Tula’s son. Great twist, loved it
Your vids are like cliff notes for these shows and I live! They always confirm & or pull the storyline together for me. Keep up the good work 👏🏾 You are appreciated
The part where Raquella takes control was pretty cool. Loved the way she was ordering them around and even the acolyte was instantly obeying without question. First time the whole series the BG have shown they might have a chance after all. Reminded me a little of when Kirk radioed Spock and asked if he was ready after getting his ass kicked by Khan for the whole movie so far.
Nice breakdown! I love the Dune series and all of its lore. I hope that Desmond doesn’t get killed off as well.
I wouldn’t think too much on the age difference between Tula and Desmond. Constant use of spice prolongs life and the sisterhood regularly consumes spice
I think the show is getting better, the weak link is the Princess and Swordsman. I don't care about either of them or their "romance". They're both pretty boring.
I was waiting on your breakdown!
Excellent summary of the episode. You give so much more insight and do a real service to viewers who haven't read the books or watched the films. It is a dense and detailed story with so many parts and having your reviews here to come to, I'm sure helps many with much of cross referencing within the multi layered narrative we now have across all the various instalments. Well done on a very respectable knowledge of the Universe it's history and explaining it so well.
So canonically Desmond hart was one of the ancestors in Paul's head after the water of life so he was technically influencing pauls action in dune part 2.
Hbo Max in the year of 2024: Dragons, Penguins, and Worms!!!
HBO needs to Hire Emergency Awesome to give Breakdowns to viewers of Dune Prophecy. Your outstanding briefs for this short series has made the show MORE watchable. Please continue your fine work throughout the Dune Universe.