
My screen time has increased… watching you and Fr. Chris Alar, along with Fr. Mike Schmitz and a few others.




Father, you and people like you doing this ministry online have made it possible for me transform my idle screen time into learning about and contemplating our Lord. It is because of this technology that it has never been easier to learn about the faith. Thank you for doing your part!


The Anxious Generation…great book on this subject. Thank you Fr Barron.  ❤


So true.


It's that damn phone!


FUNNY ..... In A Way ......  Love You Bishop Barron..... ❤😊❤


God bless you bishops Barron


No doubt.


Those are the exact words I was looking forward to describe social media😊


We can listen to the long form discussions on radio or MP3 - don't need to watch videos to enjoy them :)


I feel attacked


Many good things in screen time. Very convenient too. Good people watch good things. But first develop being good.


I am putting screen time limits on any app that keeps me distracted. I really need to put one for YT. It’s been my biggest distraction but I’m proud to say it’s the only app I really use nowadays. Bad news is, my screen time is still abysmal and embarrassing. I’m working on it, Father!


I think it depends on how we use it. I have friends and family in different states and countries. It would be tough to stay in touch so closely without social media. You even got a phone option!  Some platforms are better than others (filters, groups, pages). We can and should teach our kids how to best leverage the tools that are available and explain the pros & cons. The rest is up to them. Pretty much like with everything else in life. I agree that it’s easy to get sucked into the scrolling mechanism, but then again as believers we’re used to discipline and just need to apply it to one more aspect in our lives. Shouldn’t say ‚just’ because there are times when it’s the devil 😂😂. 
I appreciate your presence and sharing your wisdom on social media.


I got rid of my iPhone and got a flip phone. As a senior in high school I've never been happier or more productive.


"What we look at, listen to, and read affects us in the deepest part of our being. Once we start to celebrate ugliness, then we become ugly, too. Just as art and architecture have uglified themselves, so have our manners, our relationships, and our language become crude."
- Sir Roger Scruton


Also we are all expose to any kind of content. There’s a lot of harm you can get through social media