Billy: I'm sure that i'll win today! Also billy: Dies three times in a row
Let's get Billy to 600K!!!!!!
Billy: I’m such a god Hypixel sweats: what a noob
Billy: This is a water bottle, it has no effects fire aspect 2 knockback 2 and sharpness 5...iT StiLl CouNtS aS A pOtiON 5:43 Me: not a weapon?
Billy binging on those potions like we do with his videos
my favorite part was when he drank the potion.
You said thirsty, I thought why didn't you make an energy drink? ShadowApple's Apple Flavored Energy Drink, only 2.99.
billy lets goooo feeling thirsty
Happy 600k Subs
1:50 "mIgHt KnOcK sOmE sEnSe InTo Me....." Thats Literally The Best Part
oh cool, another episode of shadowapples giving himself op stuff in bedwars but still loses
Billy, I absolutely love the bedwars videos. Keep posting them. They are really fun when you add a qUiRkY twist. :)
600k congrats mate! You deserved it my man. Well done 👍🏽
Second i think? WAIT LOOK AT HIS CHANNEL HE IS AT 600K YAYYY we did it celebration time
Billy feelin. Thirsty for em TOES early congrats on 600k
Minecraft uhc but I can secretly craft a spider sword It’s as strong as a netherite sword and has a chance of trapping players in cobwebs and a chance to poison them
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