
I feel like if you watch this, you definitely care about your relationship.


Bad comunication and not being able to resolve conflicts and collisions is what ends relationships for me.


12 early signs a relationship won't last :
1. your relationship is solely about the romantic pull
2. you don't like their friends 
3. you spend too much time together
4. your relationship feels one-sided
5. you feel controlled
6. you can't control yourself around them 
7. you don't feel accepted 
8. you fight all the time 
9. you don't trust each other 
10. they're regularly mean to other people
11. they're passive aggressive 
12. the timing isn't right


I watched this about 2 months into my last relationship and went “oh thank god I don’t have any of these signs.” Came back again 7 months after that relationship ended. The signs just hadn’t surfaced yet since they were still in the lovebombing phase. This video is 100% correct 🤷


“Some people will leave you soon no matter how, but it's not the ending of your story, it's just the ending of their role in your story. cause life goes on"


I'm not ashamed to admit I was the toxic part of the relationship. The reason being, is that I've since identified and taken care to fix those habits I'd formed. And my lovely ex, has helped facilitate my getting better as a person for it. That woman is a goddess and deserves nothing but praise for her patience.


Not everything we lose is a loss. Sometimes, you're relieved free from the pain of holding on to the ones who aren't meant to be in our life.


In the case of my wife and I, we fought quite often early in our relationship. To the point where she didn’t think we were going to make it. One important factor was the way we resolved those fights. Through mature communication and the willingness to try and adapt we’ve been able to learn how to co-exist better. I believe being able to resolve fights is one of the keys as you’re bound to get into them eventually.


The list for those who are in a hurry:
1. Your relationship is solely about the romantic pull 0:55
2. You don't like their friends 1:27
3. You spend too much time together 1:57
4. Your relationship feels one-sided 2:24
5. You feel controlled 2:46
6. You can't be yourself around them 3:16
7. You don't feel accepted 3:50
8. You fight all the time 4:26
9. You don't trust each other 4:59
10. They're regularly mean to other people 5:35
11. They're passive-aggressive 6:06
12. The timing isn't right 6:40
Who else is a single pringle here?


My wife of 20 years made me feel like I could be my truest self since day 1. Before we even got married I cried in her arms over this very fact. To this day she says she doesn’t remember that moment 😂 😆 😝. But she’s my best friend, and I can’t see myself with anyone else besides her. Here’s to another 20 years!!


"You spend too much time together" 

Couples living together during quarantine: ...


I had a breakup yesterday|
these reasons fully match my case
1. Wrong timing :his gf left him, so this time is wrong for us to be together. but still then he was the one who messaged me everyday and started flirting which made me think he was serious about us 
2. It feels one sided . he would never try to message me all the time and it felt quite boring. he wouldn't share his life stories with me either. I was the one trying to care for him.
3. based on romance pull- we had a communication gap. but he was only interested in flirting with me. i actually asked him to be more free with me but he stayed quite always and wouldn't even react when i shared my stories with him.
4. he doesn't clear misunderstandings .  i asked him why he minded about my telling my friends and family about our relationship. i asked him if anyone said something to him. But no he didn't try to explain. we had another argument on a religious topic. but he didn't try to share his opinion properly . instead he tried to avoid normal conversation all time 
5. I can't be myself with him
6. We don't trust each other

sigh my luck is too bad


It is important to maintain your identity in any and all relationships...


me: is in a healthy and loving relationship

youtube: hmMMmMmmMmmMmm jUst GOnNa rEcoMmeNd ThiS ReaL QuiCK


Not me getting ready to overthink my non existent relationship🤡


This video hit hard! I used to miss so many red flags in my relationships, but after reading a book I found at Synfla, I finally understand the early signs of a healthy vs. toxic relationship. If you’re dating, you NEED to read it before making any big decisions! ❤


6 reasons why Psych2Go is an awesome channel
1. The girl's voice is calming
2. They post every day
3. Their videos are helpful
4. They sometimes heart/reply to comments
5. They make learning fun
6. The drawings have adorable lil sprouts on their heads


0:55 1. Your relationship is solely about the romantic pull
1:29 2. You don't like their friends
1:57 3. You spend too much time together
2:24 4. Your relationship feels one-sided
2:48 5. You feel controlled
3:18 6. You can't be yourself around them
3:51 7. You don''t feel accepted
4:26 8. You fight all the time
4:49 9. You don't trust each other
5:37 10. They're regularly mean to other people
6:07 11. They're passive aggressive 
6:41 12. The timing isn't right

hope this helped


No hate but, dont break up with someone just because of this video


Is there ever really a perfect time for a relationship though? I feel like if two people who are very goal driven end up falling for each other, then they’ll never really feel like it’s the perfect time fit a relationship