Ehhh, too blatant. There are more subtle ways for promos.
0.1% content 99.99% Promotion Nice science video
Paid promotion in a shorts😢
Paid promotion in a short video. Humanity's last invention.
"spontaneous organistaion" but this was just a promo
Wth is this?! Shorts should not be promos
Jumping the shark…nuking the fridge…shilling the dishwasher.
Where was the science
guess times really are getting tough, seen this from a few youtubers
Selling dishwashers? Fr? Most disappointing short I’ve seen yet.
Do this again and I'm gone for good.
5 seconds of video, 50 seconds of advertisement.
Good content and I respect the hustle but you're not that down bad, but if you are hey do what you gotta do man. I was waiting for you to integrate the dishwasher with the organization at least
Bro went from entropy to dishwashing
reported as spam and unsubscribed
Shilling for dishwashers? What's next, soap?
His viewers are not ready to compromise with the content but also don't want him to earn via promotions and sponsorships [irony😢]
Don’t rinse, scrape! You can get a little plastic scraper that won’t scratch anything and will save a boatload of water.
Bait & switch