
I can't remember a time when I was this excited for a marvel series. This trailer was absolutely epic, and I am going to be counting the seconds til tomorrow night


You know that they are breathing the same air that you are breathing.


My god! Im so hyped for this!!


absolute stunning trailer and makes hunger for more. cant wait


Damn, wish Moon Knight got this treatment.


cant wait too see this movie


I will watch Daredevil Born Again on Disney Plus this wednesday


This going to be trouble and heartfelt to this show lots of emotions and pain how show and address the issue through show then compare real life problems?


Check out the new trailer for DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN! Streaming on Disney+ March 4, 2025.


Damn people, just watched first two episodes, this Daredevil is brutal, this time his enemies stay down just like Frank wanted hahaha


Dareangel vs Queenpin


What do they mean teo episode premiere? Its jot releasing everything all at once?


the rumors about foggy exist because of something that got leaked or is it simple assumptions?


Can you make murder drones the movie trailer

Release date: October 17th 2025
Trailer release date: March 29th 2025

Duration: 1 Hour 54 Minutes 32 Seconds


When and where did all the rumours about foggy start?


This will be the best marvel project in the last 6 years !


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You know I thought Daredevil was gonna absolutely fold Muse... But that guy's big man




Dislike that they gave him ridiculously high jumping abilities randomly. But looks bomb overall