“Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction It is already happening to some extent in our own society. Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual's internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable.” - Industrial Society and Its Future by Theodore Kaczynski
Almost everything you said can be applied to benzodiazepines as well. I can't find ANY doctor with the right knowledge about how to properly taper off my medication... So I found myself forced to go from doctor to doctor, storing the medication, and with a lot of research and effort do my own taper off plan. They always think they know better than you because they are doctors and you're not, but they lack empathy and experience. I almost died, and also a friend of mine, from the benzo withdrawal symptoms and I can assure you I'm not going to go through that again just because of someone's arrogance. Thank you for this video and for spreading the message. Best Regards.
Just want to take a minute to appreciate the outstanding work of the illustrator!
SSRIs helped me through a horrific part of my life, I was on them for just under a year….. My doctor gave me the best answer ‘ It isn’t going to be these pills that cure you, it’s up to you to resolve the pain in your life, these will just make it easier to bridge that gap’
I took anti-depressants for two and a half years to deal with severe social anxiety stemming from ASD. I've been coming off them for the past two months. Honestly, it hasn't been too bad. I've suffered from insomnia and gastric upset on occasion, but emotionally, I feel better than ever. Here's to a better future 🎉
One problem with anti-depressants is that the withdrawal is worse than the depression, which is then mistaken for your actual depression. The withdrawal hits and you think "Gee this must be what my depression really feels like. I better stay on the drugs so I don't feel this bad all the time." I was on SSRIs for 15 years, absolutely zombied out of my mind and incapable of doing anything, just waiting for something to change. Long story short I stopped the drugs and when the withdrawal hit I had to remind myself "This is the withdrawal, not the depression." After 6 months I started to feel the difference, and after 9 months my depression was gone.
Thank you for this, i'm a therapist and often feel undermined by the field of psychiatry. In my role we're expected to encourage people to take medication, then we're never supposed to talk about side effects or them getting off medication.
I was so overmedicated as a child. I needed help with my trauma, not to be fed prescriptions and told this was just how I am.
I was on anti depressants for 25 years! My doctor said I could wean off within 4 weeks and I said no ways as “who was I without them) so I did it over 6 months as I was on a high doze. Been off for years now as was best thing I ever did. Saying that, whether placebo or not, the pill supported me whilst stuck in my trauma cycle I’m a huge fan of meditation and actually feeling the feelings (not the pain story) as it literally changed my life 8 years ago.
I've never heard my EXACT frustrations, thoughts, fears, or internal dialogue so perfectly captured as in this video. I emailed my doc before I was even finished watching because this was/is SO spot on to the last 8 years or so of my life, SPECIFICALLY, the last 2 years trying but failing to wean off my SSRI. Thank you so much for making this video!! I have a new sense of hope that I had lost before seeing this ✨️
I can't help but feel this crushing rage, empathizing with the uncountable number of people who have been hurt by the lies of pharmaceutical companies. If you're told one thing is a solution when it isn't, that's not just a lie, but it's robbing that person of the path to finding a solution that does work.
My mental well-being improved dramatically when I decided I didn't believe in the "chemical imbalance" hypothesis any longer, and simply decided that I wasn't going to allow anyone to pigeonhole me as someone that is naturally unhappy. I realized there is nothing wrong with me, I just live in a soul-crushing time and place. The postmodern consumerist society we live in simply isn't conducive to long-term contentment. To be well-adjusted to a sick society is no sign of sanity, quite the opposite really.
To be fair my Dr told me we don’t really know how SSRIs work and most of what is accepted comes from marketing and was only ever theory, all we know is some people find them useful, some not much and some not at all. She also said they may give me a lift that would then enable me to make changes in my life which would actually be the things that make the difference. She was a fairly young Dr and i appreciated her up front honesty giving the facts.
I quit my meds cold turkey in 1999. It was the most horrible time of my life for months. I'm lucky to be alive actually. I was completely ignorant and had no idea what the side effects were or could be and I didn't even know what the effects of the drugs were in the first place. I had been going through a challenging time a year before and had insomnia, the Dr. gave me antidepressants as a quick fix. I moved away to a new city and didn't have a prescription and didn't feel like I needed meds any longer, so I had no idea what was coming.
There are a lot of people commenting here that clearly have not experienced clinical depression. It’s not a choice. Life circumstances can play a role but “eat better, get sunlight, workout” is not as simple and not as much a cure as you seem to think.
I'm sure that these medications are overprescribed, and many people could resolve their problems through lifestyle changes or therapy, but I don't think that's the case for everyone. I have struggled with cycling depression (occurring several times a year) and nearly constant anxiety and OCD for over 20 years. I have had a very stable life and always been physically healthy, and these problems persist whether I love my job or not, whether I am alone or have a good relationship, etc. Obviously difficulties in life can make my struggles worse, but they never go away. Since I was 14 I have tried various forms of therapy, diet changes, exercise, meditation, spiritual pursuits, vitamins, naturopathy, etc. Literally everything except medication, as I had many fears about it. Finally this past year I tried it as a last resort, and the difference is incredible. It makes me wonder what my life could have been like if I had tried it earlier, if I would have had more success or better experiences. For me it was the right choice. This may not be the case for everyone, and I certainly don't think it should be the first line of treatment, but I'm happy these meds exist for those that need them.
As a person who suffered from anxiety and depression and who was on an anti-depression for about 18 months and made the decision to get off it about 4 years ago, I very much appreciated this video. The drug had me put on weight, lose my sex drive and made me feel like I was in a fog. I decided that I did not want to live that way and was weened off the drug over a 6 month period. I am doing good and glad for my decision. THANK YOU
Recently on an SSRI, more for anxiety than for depression and it has made a massive difference. I've been a very anxious person my whole life and the meds have reduced my anxiety and helped calm my mind from constantly worrying and thinking about scenarios that will never happen anyway
I struggled with anxiety after loosing a high stress job and spending 6 months unemployed. During this awful period - and being the sceptical person I am - I talked to at least 6 different psychiatrists. Each one of them had a different take on my situation and treatment. I decided I'd probably have better luck going to talk to a gypsy psychic. The SSRIs made me numb. I threw them out after 9 months. My emotions returned slowly. Sad at first but after 3 months, I felt like my old self again. I gained 40 lbs, lost my libido, half of my friends and my wife left me. All in 9 months. I'm just glad to be back to my normal crazy self. Lol. Thanks for this great info! Love to all...