After getting the Lethal Company solo quota 10, Spigg decided "no, I haven't suffered enough actually"
GTFO really flies under the radar in terms of yt content and 4-player coop PVE shooters. It truly feels unfair if you don't know exactly what to do for certain missions, but I'm glad to see Spiff&co fight their way to the depths
Astral spiff describing his squad: he’s gay, but he also has a special connection to classical music, there’s just all sorts of interesting things about him
Iridium: A hard, silvery metal. It is almost as unreactive as gold. It has a very high density and melting point. Iridium is the most corrosion-resistant material known. Meaning it is resistant to bacterial and environmental degradation and withstands high temperatures.
I need to say this before I watch the whole video and forget it: I really liked the intro of the squad and what they do for the team. It made me feel more involved with the team immediately and hooked me for the video quickly
Wasn't expecting Spiff to play GTFO, but I'm quite happy to have a 3 hr vid
I have indeed watched all of the GTFO videos Mark has made, and I wished there was more, now THREE HOURS of this game with an actually competent team and nice editing sounds like a dream.
colton's audio makes it sound like he's a raging berserker charging in with muffled hearing from the pure adrenaline
I love how Colton sounds like he's actually wearing a spacesuit helmet. Really getting into character fr fr
1:28:23 I love how Colton just says "uuuuh..." instead of even thinking about warning the others.
For future videos in the series, it would be awesome to have the in-game dialogue a hair louder. It's a simple quality of life thing for us viewers, but especially when watching on low volume, I've always had to turn it up to hear the in-game dialogue and voice recordings. Super excited for this series :) I'm enjoying it so far!
Spiff somehow gets me to watch a 3 hour video on a game I have never played or heard of and somehow manages to make me want to learn everything about the game
I think the issue with why GTFO is pretty much ignored on YT is due to the dedication required to play the game. GTFO doesn't ask for dedication, it DEMANDS dedication. You don't play GTFO to play in pubs. Pubs die in the first few rooms. YOu play with friends. Friends who have dedicated playing GTFO. Spiff admitted to this dedication at the beginning of the video. He can't stream GTFO because if he did, he wouldn't be able to read chat. That's a demand of the game. There's no room for anything else. Jutst GTFO. Only GTFO. and then casually posts a 2+hour video.
I love how every now and then someone will shout 'DOG!' and the whole team just fucking UNLOADS into it
Totally unexpected from Spiff - but I’m enjoying it! GTFO is something I’ve found intriguing but due to the complexity, I never really tried to understand the gameplay or story more deeply. It’s hung around though, because of how good it does what it does. So I appreciate the 0-60 breakdown from Spiff ❤
Loaf comment! 35:48 the queen graced us with her presence 36:18 awkward jump
1:11:04 Iridium is the 77th element, a transition metal in the platinum group known for its high density. It's NOT radioactive, but just like it's brother Osmium it can make some pretty toxic oxides
1:40:27 I love moments like this where you’re just casually running down demons while having a friendly chat, lol.
Swapping to Colin's muffled audio when half the time he's full concentration stabbing dudes makes it seem like he's in a full battle trance just killing everything