Growing up is understanding the jokes/references in these videos :)
2:55 fun fact that's the first asset used for the breaker, so every house had that installed somewhere, but now its just the industrial version. so its only used on some of the largest maps (school, prison, big asylum, ect.)
Who agrees that OB and comdo should be in the top tier of the best phobia players
I love your videos camodo😊❤
When doing the big maps, always take the parabolic so you can listen for any sounds/clues of where the ghost room is.
Banana 24:39 Also,, I don't leave these Phasmophobia vids cuz they're my favorite
The new version of the Phasmophobia cheat is already on my channel🧡🖤💙
Banana!! Just left dark video. Had to come share my love here as well!
Camodo is going to school.
They're finally you doing bigger maps. I was getting bored of the smaller ones. Love the videos can I wait for the next one. Love your phasmophobia ones even better if you start doing some newer and better maps. ❤
I love your collab videos with Ob and you should do a collab with Ob and spycakes with the tier 3 stuff.
Camodo is the best YouTuber 😊
Comodo you need to get back at OB one of these days.
Banana, and always watch all of yours and OB's videos
banana i watch all your vids the whole way through, love them! keep it up!
Please do more vids on the high school they are some of the most entertaining ones
Great video. It was a really cool
You know its a good day when Camodo2 uploads and also banana🍌