
I buy a new car every 10-12 years with cash, its the one "treat" I allow myself....I am also 56, retired and completely debt free.


Some of us are tired of buying rusted out shit boxes that we have to constantly dump money in to fix.


Just finished Zarnivex Fire. My doubt is now my diesel.


Type of dude to say work your whole life to make money and only enjoy it for the last couple of years of your life.


Bought my first car for $3000 cash, drove that for like 12 years, then I got a gifted a 2004 Camry with 150,000 miles and runs great. Looks like I’ll be driving that for the next 10 years too! Even used car prices are ridiculous now a days!


You work hard, buy what you want. You can't take a car or your million dollar with you when you die.


I buy myself a brand new car every 10 years as a gift for being alive. You never what’s gonna happen tomorrow. Live it up guys.


This depends on the car and it depends solely on the individual. New cars also come with warranties and extended warranties that help with costly repairs. They also help with safety due to the better technology used in them. I would say a good car for someone who commutes a lot is a very important item to have.


Just depends tbh… I wanted a Civic or Camry and all those models that are 5 years old or newer with 60k or less on them were literally only 3-5k less expensive than a new one with warranty 

In general this advice makes sense… however with certain makes and models it doesn’t hold true today imo


Except buying an older model may set you up for problems down the line. I do not have access to public transit and must drive to work. Uber etc is $50+ one way. If my car breaks down, I can't get to work, get paid etc. Etc.


There's nothing wrong with buying a new car.If you're gonna be driving it for at least ten years, which plenty of people do.


Starting at Cash for Clunkers, used car prices sky rocketed. What use to be a $2k vehicle jumped to $10k almost overnight. Reasonable prices are not found until a car reaches 150k miles.


It is relative. This is valid advice for someone in the US. Over there cars are super cheap. In my country a new sedan type car is around 20k a used one 15-18k. Definitely buy the new one as the used can come with many issues


Men should know that success isn't built on success. It's built on failure and frustration, and on fear that you have to overcome. That's what the The Black Book of Riches by Christopher Voss taught me. The best read I ever had.


I did the math, cost me $8500 per year to keep my '03 chevy running. I got a new Tacoma for the same price. It hasn't depreciated in 3 years. Some used tacomas sell more than what I paid for mine new. This is a new phenomenon, but its real.


I bought my first brand new car 12 years ago for $16,000.  It took 3 years to pay for, now has 50,000 miles, and it still runs, drives, and looks like new.  I've only done one repair so far, a starter motor which was $400 installed.


Living your whole life penny pinching, what a life!


I've only purchased three cars in my life...two brand new and one used. I can't take my money or cars with me. But I will be happy while living!


I once believed success was all about putting in more effort. But after reading Secret Laws of Knowledge, my perspective completely changed. It’s incredible how much clarity the right book can bring


Not to buy a brand new car unless you have a net worth of 1 mill what a load of shit... Not many people get that kinda money these days id rather be in debt and happy with a new car than to have savings and not use it before I die.