
Sorry for being so sick! I really wanted to get a video out instead of wait another week. I know this video is a little early for New Years, but I really hope this inspires you in some way to not give up on something! 🙈
You can do the thing hah!


"You gotta SUCK at something before you get GOOD at it."


god, watching back at this makes me kinda nostalgic considering how 2019 seemed like such a good year, and how we were so exited for 2020. memories 😔


her first acrylic painting: herself
My first acrylic paint: sponge bob with a face of danny devito
Edit: oh mah guad thanks for le likes


Almost every painting Youtuber: uses oil paints
Me : uses watercolour paints without water

Me: Damn I need to up my game bro...


Rae: I hope you guys have an amazing decade coming up and-
Coronavirus has entered the chat


Seeing your old art really gives me hope for improvement in my own art! I think I compare my art to other people's art that have been through art school and are years and years older than me and forget that they had to start somewhere too, we all have to be a beginner sometime ❤️ love you Rae!


I was stuck on a painting and super unmotivated and this made me inspired to get off the couch and work on the painting:) thanks rae


“You gotta suck at something to get good”
First child’s:


rae: it looks bad in the beginning 

me: sis i cant even paint


Teacher: Okay, everyone has to paint themselves a self portrait!

Rae: paints in landscape


The 2010 one still looks better than my best painting ever 😂


“It’s not the best but it’s better”



The painting in the thumbnail is that face a parent makes when their little one's draw them something and it looks pretty bad and you can't help but just go "??..." LOL


I think this was probably one of the first art videos that I saw when I first discovered art-youtube back at the beginning of the pandemic.  It came up in my recommendations so I am rewatching it in 2022.  Such a great idea to go back and revisit old artworks as a yardstick for growth.


Legend has it if you are early Rae will like your comment


"Respect the drip Karen!"


You: “My artwork only looks bad in the beginning!”
Me: “My artwork only looks bad for eternity.”


3:20 ok but like she’s so freaking gorgeous how does no one talk about this


People in the comments are all like “oml your “bad” painting is better than anything that I do” these kind of comments piss me off so much because if you people have time to comment something like that, then you have time to get up and draw something. Yeah it may be bad, but practice will make it grow, you can’t just snap your fingers and be good at something. Rae worked really hard to get where she is at, so don’t think she is just “good” at it, and she was born with the talent, no, she wasn’t, no one is born with an especially great talent, but if you work at it you can create a talent to be proud of.