That little boy will forever remember when his dad left him on the lake like that, and the older he gets the more clear it’ll become. Poor baby boy.
I’m scared for that sweet little boy. His response to 911 being mentioned and his dad being drunk just rubs me the wrong way
the kid saying "i was screaming for a long time, but he was not listening!" made me actually cry, who could leave this precious child in the middle of a lake?
0:33, the moment I heard "and he was not listening!". The amount of terror and anger that kid had in his voice is terrifying. The way the father seems chill and mentions he will see them again is outrageous. It makes me angry. That father doesn't deserve a kid.
That 13 year old is a legend for staying with the kid. He's a true hero
That first KID that saw the child and stopped to make sure he didnt get hurt or taken is an actual HERO... His parents should be proud and that kid deserves some kind of scholarship or humanity award.
The cops laughing with each other with the first kid while talking about doorknobs for toddlers made me smile. This was so sweet. Definitely a nice change of pace.
Kids are so resilient. He's screaming after being left in the middle of a river. And within a minute of being rescued, he's asking questions about a bucket. Hope he grows up okay after that trauma!
The dad saying “you saved me hassle” as opposed to “you saved my son’s life” disgusting.
"I was screaming for a long time and he was not listening" about broke me. I can't fathom how anyone can do that to ANYONE, let alone to an innocent child.
I'm scared for the boy that was found in the water and left behind by his father. For him to request not to call 911 is a big red flag. That boy is being abused by his Father.
3:55 glad y’all out this case in the beginning because this is such a refreshing moment 😭 sometimes it really is an accident, it was so nice to see the mom actually concerned about her son and remorseful about her mistake with the door, hope she gets the child proofing for the handle!
at 22:18, when the father says "you saved me a bunch of hassle." about him finding the boy, you can see the exact moment the officer behind him on the stairs notices that and realizes this guy is a horrible father.
The dad that left his son to drown in the lake is an absolute monster . I cannot begin to comprehend what went through his brain to abandon his son.
Any kid that has THAT reaction to the mention of calling 911 raises red flags about the parenting.
The young man that stayed with Mateo needs to be recognized for saving the baby
My mother let me wander off, I ended up on railroad tracks. I saw a lady screaming at me while running. She pulled me off the track just in time. To this day, I will never forget the look on her face while running and screaming at me to get off those tracks. I was 3 at the time.
I feel for the mother of Mateo. I’ve had a similar situation happen to me with my son when he was 2. We were sleeping in my bed and he ended up waking up and quietly slipping out of bed and figured out how to open our front door and he went out walking around our apartment complex. I woke up to check on him and when I looked over he was gone. I panicked a little because he never wakes up and just gets out of bed without me so I flew out of bed and saw my front door cracked. My heart dropped, and I mean completely dropped and I ran outside and was running up and down all over the complex screaming his name in tears. The police found him on the other end of our complex. He was gone a total of 20 min and it felt like a lifetime. It was terrifying, the worst feeling I’ve ever experienced and I don’t wish it upon any mother/father. It’s really easy for people to say “what a terrible mother for her toddler to get out of the house” or “how does that happen? Why wasn’t that mother watching her child?” But toddlers are quick and it only takes a minute for something like this to happen and it doesn’t always mean the mother is a bad parent.
it's really sad when a six-year-old forgets how old he is because of the shock, but still remembers not to call the emergency services because a drunk father could get into trouble