
subscribe if you wanna be in one of these videos :)


Still not over what that dragon did to my family


schlatt's webcam bit is the funniest thing i've seen in literally weeks


Even if Schlatts webcam was scripted or he had planned it, it had me rolling on the floor, still funny af 😂


Schlatt: let's do the dream strategy.
Tommy: we cheat?
Absolutely beautiful


These four have perfect chemistry they bounce off of each others jokes so well…. except I can’t believe they forgot about what “schlatt” did in 1999..


"You know the Ender Dragon is a girl right, Ted?"

Ted: Contemplating his life decisions "I guess me and my mother have a lot to talk about"

I love how well these guys get along with each other


I love how you could read the subtitles when Ted was "cursing" lmao, you can really tell the amount of effort that was put into this video


im absolutely here for the more collaborative content tommy's been doing recently, the more people the better jokes and chemistry, also the chaos and world building is beautiful


Tommy gets a lot of love (deservedly), but literally everything schlatt does is absolutely hilarious


I love how Tommy and Tubbo and running for their lives and Schlatt and Ted are just reenacting the Spanish Inquisition.


rewatching and i JUST realized that the editor put in real words before blurring them during Ted's speech (13:30). honestly all the details are what make these videos so cool and re-watchable,, mad respect


Tommy, Tubbo, Ted, and "Schlatt" are a comedic team I didn't know I wanted or needed until now. Hope to see more milkman in future videos


This video has just been:
Schlatt’s multiple face cam faces
Ted’s side story of his mom and the dragon
Tommy being Tommy
And Tubbo realizing his life is a life


schlatt's betterhealth joke was so funny and out of pocket I'm surprised tommy kept it in the video lmao


3:53 Dozens of players jumping down into the Tommy Hole and killing themselves was funny enough, but JSchlatt adding a quip about BetterHelp made me almost spit out my drink lmao.
8:20 Lmfao after playing in the pit for Into the Woods this scars me.
9:46 Bro this was gonna set up something amazing just like Tommy's rap song from all the way back with that SBI Moon video and then Ted just gets cut off. :(
13:28 You can actually read the blurred text and it's amazing. xD


Looks like Tommy is finally back on a good uploading schedule. 

Nothing could ruin his schedule now.


Tommy and Tubbo are literally just younger versions of Schlatt and Ted


Seeing Tubbo and Tommy interacting still makes me happy.


Can't believe Tubbo just learned what bitchboy means.