
Thank you to Chomps for sponsoring today's video 😊 Go to https://chomps.com/jillz15 and use Jillz15 at checkout to get 15% off and free shipping!


The reason this woman has no haters is because of her knowledge, politeness, elegance and speech ❤. I love you jillz ❤


"You have to quit that version of yourself who eats that way." ❤❤


Something that has helped me is identifying when I am eating junk food that I don't even like. Honestly, I don't think processed food tastes very good. Often the only flavor is sweet. And I really enjoy the complexity of flavors that comes along with natural grown on the earth/lived on the earth foods. But I realized that I was eating a lot of junk food that I didn't even like because it was a special occasion, or to be polite, or because I didn't want to waste food. So I've made a general rule for mysel that if I don't like it and it's bad for me, I don't eat it, because who is that helping?


I love to see positive, healthy. educational content!!! There’s so much toxicity on social media especially around women’s relationships to food and body image. This is so real, relatable and actually helpful, you can tell you’re coming from a good place ❤


Please make a video on how to live beyond appearances especially for girls/women who have never been  as conventionally good looking. How to live your life not thinking about how you look and how people are ignoring everything about you but just focusing on how unattractive you look.
Because as much as I look beyond appearances same is not true for how people see me. Even if i try to look best and carrying myself nicely. Because I know the first thing everyone says is : nobody cares, nobody is giving a daym about how you look, which I true, but somehow seeing yourself as someone unattractive for your whole life that's kind of hard to believe. Please make a video on this topic. ❤


This video has come around at the perfect time, I'm going to try and get my healthy eating habits in shape starting next week. Amazing how life throws you exactly what you need at times right?

Thanks for this!


Thank you so much Jillz. Your video on 13 fitness habits was the start of my fitness journey this year, and now, 2 months into it I may say that you helped me a lot. This video is not about me, as I do not eat junk food, but I appreciate so much that you share your experience and go so in depth in questions that you enlighten. Thank you very much.


What an excellent video. There are lots of videos on this topic out there, and this one definitely brought something different.


What helped me was to sit down and think of healthy foods that I do actually love. Being really thoughtful of what those were.  Maybe not things I ate or craved everyday- but I liked them - so I bought all my favorite combos. Purple cabbage chunks as chips in spicy guacamole helped my tortilla chip habit. 
  Snacking on cold crisp green beans, snap peas with what ever favorite dips . Fruit when craving sweets. Making sure i had it prepped for quick eating- so I wouldn't have to make a project I wouldn't commit too and would choose the easy processed foods.  Also bring truly hydrated with coconut water, watermelon, or electrolytes curbs my cravings.


You are shining in this color✨️❤


Also I find it important to point out your honest and realistic approach on healthy eating. That's very important because there are so much people donig "what I eat in a day" videos that are so unrealistic and just make people feel bad for needing to eat more. We don't need that. All the crazy diets without any carbs, that's so bad for people and no good and durable results come from restrictive diets. Life style changes do. I've always believed this, and that's why I resonate so much with your messages here ❤️❤️❤️


I absolutely love and appreciate your content ❤ thanks for making difference in my life Jillz <3


Thank you for your big sister energy, your amazing content, and helping me re-connect with my soft side 💕


Hi Jillz 🌞
Thank you for sharing your experience. It's very helpful.


Girl I love your videos so much, even my mom and boyfriend are starting to want to watch them as well!


I just recently unfollowed a lot of social media profiles where I was looking at foods that I really don’t need to eat because I realize that I love to eat so much that if I’m looking at it, I would want it so I’m trying my best to put healthy things in front of my eyes Because I’m so greedy


I absolutely love your videos! You are always so realistic and give great advice! ❤


I send these videos to my teenage daughter, your topics are on point & the info relayed is precise & to the point. Appreciative for your perspective, always 🩷 👑


I just can't believe I was thinking about junk food. I was to eat that but I am trying to cut it off from my life and don't know what to do and this video just pop up in fyp🤧✨