I really like idea of this!
0:33 For some reason, I like to go over to here pretty often whenever I watch this
I love this!! Since I'm learning how to use sfm, I definitely would appreciate it seeing more of these!! :p
Please do more video like this! I love seeing all the things you put in your animations that make them look amazing~!
What makes bonbon special is that he makes lighting and animation good the lighting is unbelievable
Wow, amazing, I love your videos because you edit well:)
The best animation channel out there, today,tomorrow, forever
Bon Bon. You did so well with this song, be proud. Be proud of all the hard work that goes into these animations. Because you do so well. Never stop loving what you do. Because it deserves to be loved. Have a good day/night, and good luck on everything. If you ever need us, we will be here.
I see the description and i said OH HELL YES
this is very cool to see its like bloopers but more different i like it pls make more of this :D
✓Great ✓Well animated ✓Deserves Tons of likes ✓And Thousands of subscribers!
Freddy flies to the camera XD Freddy is superman. Confirmed.
I would love to see more videos like this!
1:06 when ur brother takes the last cookie
It came out great!
I could tell what they were saying at the start because I’ve listened to the song so many times lol
Thanks for sharing the bts! Cause people usually don't do that :)