
Nice background change! I love green shinies 😍 Nice videoooooooo😊


Sweet! I'm not the only one who loves green Shinies!


Loved it 😂


My fovorite shiny pokemon are Drifloon and Reuniclus.
I like shiny Saramence which green is realy good,
and the contrast between the red wing and the green body is so attractive.


I like them all but Espeon would be my fav from that bunch :)


hahahah your hilarious great video!!!!


🍺🍀Lucky Green Pokémon🍀🍺


Shiny Espeon would have to be my favorite GREEN shiny ☺


Awesome video!


My very first shiny pokemon was right after I spent all my pokeballs catching a Snorlax


Lol got my shiny bagon today :D


Bruh I found a shiny zubat and shiny golbat back then in alpha sapphire when I was training in meteor falls


Salamence is my fav green shiny


Bro i will aomeday try to get a sgiby teddiursa hatched in either ultra sun or my omega ruby