
Its 2023 now and boy... I'd give so much for being able to experience Shadowbringers again but like without knowing it already. The mainstory of that expansion felt so legendary. This music already feels super nostalgic to me. The world outside of FF14 was saner in 2019 as well...


I miss shadowbringers so much


This track playing in the background along with the sightings of either desolate settlements of Kholusia where few denizens left are scraping by for food, or harrowing "Inn at the Journey's End" where desperate people trying to accept/already accepted the fact that they need to die to save others, — is the best way to be introduced to the new expansion.


Wow I love this song.


This looks like that Ala Mhigan refugee camp in Thanalan


When the vocals kick in I'm just behind the screen like


The actual name is No greater sorrow


This is basically Hades theme acoustic, love it!


My new ringtone 👌


can anyone help me understand wtf is going on with the time signature(s) in the major segment? 1:35 - 2:13 i love it but i can't ever get the timing right


@mekkahdee can you post the sad theme that plays in lots of scenes in Shadowbringers?


The acoustics sound a lot like the Resistance camp bgm from nier automata :thinking:


Have you uploaded the song that plays when you first get to the pixie village? If not, would love to see it.


The female Aura in this town is so incredibly pretty. She is so kind to take care of Halric and the rest of the people. I wish she were my one.


Can we get the song that plays outside of the lvl 80 dungeon?




WHO composes this


hi there, I sent you an emial, please take a look when you can! thanks.