
Whoever did that is sick and twisted. You should never traumatize your child  because they don’t like a certain food. How would you like it if someone tells you to eat your least favorite food or else you die.


lol my parents did something similar, they said if I didn’t eat my mashed potatoes I would get a visit from “the night night man” which they told me was a man who steals kids toys when they are sleeping and if you didn’t eat the mashed potatoes AGAIN he would take you away. 6 years later we found out I had autism and gets bothered by certain food textures 🙂( my parents are still apologizing to this day)


Wow you are the best actor ever you should be in a horror movie


Every video under this sound freaks me out


ah yes! completely traumatising your children so they eat a meal! 🥰 /sarc


For people traumatizing their kids or trying to get them sick


Plot twist: The next day the clown comes again because she refused to her food again but when he steps out of the room the mom says "I didn't text you to come today?" And then the clown says "I took care of her for real" and disappears. The mom walked into the room and her daughter was dead.


😂😂😂😂😂Just what I needed! Thank you, guys!❤


I’m not scared of no scary movies make all of the scary movies. Keep it up!


Based on documentery called wrinkles the clown


This is one of the worst things to do to your children


I love it ur a good acter u should be the horror movies ❤❤


guys I don’t think that traumatizing your kid to eat their dinner is okay 😭-


This is horrifying, great job! Clowns are my biggest fear, how did you know???😮


Love his costume lol!!


Beo it was so scary but then funny😂😂


Wrinkles The Clown? Frickin love that guy


Lol I did this with my brotha, like I said "if you dont eat, a tall skinny, black shadowed man will force you to eat it" 💀


Love these videos


That's one way of getting your kids to eat! 😂😂😂