It is Love 💕 that I want..I can feel Love as I Am 😊❤
Only ever looking for ourselfs ❤❤
Outstanding explanation. I need to hear it more than once.
I was just thinking about this earlier today. Thank you for putting it into words ❤❤❤
Thanks for inspiring my response Jamie love Colin We all exist at this time because universal elements allow us to the universe being arranging it self in the form of worlds orbiting their suns with their moons for life to exist as we know it and we are all working with universal elements lots of universal love to everyone 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 Colin
Heart recognized and brought tears in my eyes. ❤❤
Much Love to you❤
I love your videos 😊
💯💐💐 Thank you so much . God bless you 🙏🙏💜️
This reminds of a recent trip; I was in a fairytale landscape and came across a sweet shop. As I approached the window, I saw a big jar, but it didn’t contain sweets. Instead it was full of emotions and the one nearest me was sadness. As I passed it, I didn’t just feel sadness, I became it, so I kept on going. But I was left with the insight that these energies are not conditional on experience, that life is a sweet shop and we can literally choose our state of being 🩵
Thank you ❤
But what if we don't have a desire? If someone says we will do whatever you want, I have nothing to ask for. I'm doing something but just to pass the time