I believe there's a city in Turkey (maybe Canakkale, I'm not sure) where there's a relatively high level of natural background radiation due to isotopes in the local rock. It's nowhere near the level of Chernobyl, but the fact that people have lived there for hundreds of years and don't seem to have higher rates of cancer would seem to support the idea that the body can adapt to low levels of radiation.
I worked in occupational radiation protection for many years (changed my career 20 years ago). There are very good records of ionizing radiation dose and long term health for a large population of humans. Long story short, the risks from chronic ionizing radiation exposure are low (driving to work every day is a much larger risk for most). And it is difficult to quantify exactly what the long-term risk of ionizing creation exposure actually is. Consequently, It doesn't surprise me that identifying ionizing exposure risk in a small group of wolves would be a difficult task. Even in an area where the dose rates are well above average.
Y'all, you're not getting the coolest part. The part of the wolves' genome helping them to survive are called introns, which were previously believed to be junk DNA. It turns out, these DNA segments activate when exposed to high levels of radiation, triggering what is essentially an enhanced form of DNA repair. And these introns are found in nearly every species on the planet, including humans. So while high levels of radiation are very bad in the short term, over long periods of time the organisms in the area are able to repair their DNA fast enough to minimize the damage. This study has some amazing potential for changing how we treat people exposed to high levels of radiation.
Well, it's not like there is a Western diet and pervasive exposure to methylation dysrupting pesticides, flame retardants, and carpet glues around Chernobyl.
And who are you, the proud wolf said your Sievert rates so low? Only a man in a Hazmat suit emits that greenish glow? A coat of gold, a coat of lead Your lying draws out my claws. And mine are long and glow at night Your survival rate now floors. And so they joked, until of note: their rotting face and ears But now the rains fall in through holes And new neutrino spikes appear. And who are you, proud Alpha wolf said I'd pack my shit, and go. We're cancer proof and thrive again Thanks for that old light show.
natural selection naturally selecting faster then i would expect but not surprisingly
Very interesting. Thank you 😊
Most animals don't live long enough to get cancer.
I often wondered whether the high number of tandem repeats in canids aided them in resisting radiation based mutations.
😂 Whomever goes to find out why, you are chasing wolves in a radiation zone. You have been warned.
off course they would, those that weren't just died of cancer.
Lack of poachers is probably the answer. Poachers are not scared of forest rangers but they would think twice crossing the Chernobyl exclusion zone.
Naturally selected cancer resistant genomes, so , hear me out, what if hypothetically we take a culture of pluripotent stem cells then massively bombard them with radiation until something like 10 million generations of cell has passed, sequence the genomes of remaining cells and compare to the 1st generations, identify the differences , then CRISPR in the anti-cancer naturally selected genome variations
I love Dr. Love.
Lupis Cancernogetus But how do they hunt at night, if they glow in the Dark?
4 eyed wolf? Is that what you call a wolf spider... Wait you are not a tetrablema? A new four eyed monster
There is no mysterium here. The radioactive levels of Chernobyl nowadays are simply so low that it has almost no impact on organisms. But we humans believe that even the slightest elevated level of radioactivity is lethal. We tend to exaggerate the danger enormously, and of course it goes back to pure propaganda from environmentalists and peace activists. And once everyone believe a politically charged myth, even experts and scientists becomes afraid to tell the truth.
Hi Ben, Very onteresting the Case of the Great wlf natural resistente to câncer in the exclusivo área of Chernibyl ....
excellent evaluation