
Over the next month we're exposing our bits at http://auntydonnaclub.com. And by 'bits' we mean extended sketches, bloopers, BTS and improv from Aunty Donna's Coffee Cafe. Starting with a massive 23-minute extended sketch of 'Bucks Party'. No n00ds. Only luudes.


I think "because that's what a soldier does" will be entering my list of daily used expressions very shortly


Zach makes me laugh so often. He is the definition of affable.


I appreciate that your reasoning is "there wasn't enough time for everything" and not "everybody was cracking up on every single take"


I’ve no joke probably watched this like 15 times today. “Because that’s what a soldier does” still kills me every time 😂😂😂


I'm flabbergasted that the Laser Tag guide didn't pass the psych test for the army


Zach makes me feel safe. I'd feel comfortable letting him instruct me and my dudes.


Followup question: so the groom got decapitated at his bucks party, but Safety Instructor Zach didnt call his widow until their wedding day?


I love extended things.


Zach is the best but how do you ever get enough usable footage of him without him breaking? 🤣 it's a miracle he's in any of your stuff at all


More bloopers and outtakes please. This and the subway meeting bloopers make me laugh every time


I love this. I don't know how you boys edit around Zach laughing the whole time.


I'll be busy going about my day and 'that's what a soldier does' pops into my head and I instantly become 67% happier


I like Zachs dad just being in this for seemingly no reason


0:19 Zach was giggling the whole time, wasn't he? Those poor safety instructors


1:57 Don't mind me, just using this as a replay button


I’ve lost count how many times I’ve watched this 😂


That monitor with poor cable management actually creates a perfect atmosphere for this mise-en-scene. With the helpful support of that horrible filthy carpet.


I absolutely love this sketch. Zach nails it


I love this content, insight to how these things came to life. Loved the sketch.