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The fact that Oz’s only comfortable getting rid of bodies in broad daylight because of the Batman is so funny 😂


I absolutely love this Universe.
A street Level Rated R Batman Universe with no Aliens or gods or Multiversal Bullsh*t.


I enjoyed how there wasn’t a single scene without Oz. Even if Victor is the audience surrogate, this is all about Oz and understanding who he is and what makes him tick


Sofia’s character is hella intimidating 😭


The penguin foot followed by “cmooooon what are you showing me??” 😂😂 brilliant


'Does he know?' Top tier meme


I was hyped for the show but man what a fucking pilot episode. Def worthy of sum awards


I love how Matt Reeves said Batman will be a spectre. He’s always watching & we the audience can feel what that’s like from a Gothamite’s perspective.


Colin Farrell is giving the performance of his life


The Penguin is the best Comic show on right now. Best comic show in a long time.


I like Batman not being in this, keep him as an Easter Egg as long as we keep having movies


If they keep this up this show is going to be one of the greats! This show does not need Batman.


I love how the penguin watches the sunrise like real penguins


Good God.

For any TV execs reading this, you should know that This Is How You Premier A Fuckin Series!

Points away from PERFECTION, It was glorious.


1. Oz wasn't thinking of the women in his life, he was starting to think of a scapegoat.
2. Victor wasn't feeling empathy. He was showing he could analyze a situation, see the problems and find the solution. Qualities that will help him & Oz.


That foot is horrifying




Another great thing about this episode is that we get to see the people of Gotham's perspective about the events that happened in The Batman 2022 movie. Normally in other Batman media once Batman saves the day, everything goes back to normal, we are never shown the effects of the chaos that happened during Batman's encounters with the villains from Gotham citizens POV.


any time I hear about a drug changing formula in Gotham I expect to see Scarecrow