the thing that I admire the most about this man is his dedication in keeping the same hairstyle for his entire life
6:49 no beat in history will drop this hard again
Advertisements in the middle of this song should be considered a war crime.
From 6:03 to 6:53 you can probably tell Franz is talking to you from the pictures in the video. 6:03 - "You know what's coming up." 6:13 - "Yes, it's coming..." 6:29 - "Most people really love this part..." 6:39 - "Get ready, it's coming..." 6:49 - "Here it is!" 6:53 - "Ah, there it is..."
I can't stop lisztening. I'll put it on my playliszt.
I always go crazy when this hits up in the nightclub.
6:53 I absolutely love how when the best part of Hungarian Rhapsody finally hits, literally the best picture of him appears, in his utmost glory! (also one of the most famous pictures)
I'm a classical musician, and I learned in the early 70's. My teacher was a tough cookie; he made me learn this, and eventually I played without the sheet music, and taught it to others when I became a teacher . The tempo and timing switches quickly, and now years later, (I'm 60 now), I can see why he chose this for me as a student. If you can learn this, and play it well, you can play ANYTHING . 😉
One of the most classic of the classics
Opening of this music is so majestic.
My mother used to play this sometimes on Saturday mornings on the farm, on our upright piano. What a wonderful way to wake up!
Franz liszt all time favorite pianist..i wish i was born in ur era sir liszt!..cheers frm INDIA..
This song is an emotional rollercoaster
Tom, Jerry, Franz Liszt Name a more iconic trio. I wont wait but still try
Only Liszt can start with the theme of badassery and move onto something so cheerful without you even realizing it.
How the hell did he do this? Pure, beautiful, genius, insanity..
My great grandparents came to the United States from Hungary so I appreciate this