
I honestly didn’t like the game in the beginning but pushed through and now it’s all coming together and I’m kinda immersed and hooked lol

Update Edit: I am 50 hours in absolutely neck deep immersed and I now think it’s one of the best games I have ever played.


2:45 I got a legendary artifact in the second area (garbage area) it gives me max radiation but also gives me max physical resistance. I modified a pocket in my suit which nullifies the radiation i take. I am a god


“You will die a lot” yea the freaking poltergeist during the tutorial ensured that. I had to hop on reddit to see wtf was even going on.


You can sell broken weapons, there is a dude in Rostok who buys them to the left of the 100 rads bar in a shed.. You leave them in your stash and your stash follows you to key areas.


Useful tip about artifacts : if you find an anomaly area with an artifact, if you saved some distance away from that area, you can reload that save to change the outcome. Early on, the Old Mill has an acid anomaly, it won't start producing artifacts until a certain point in the main quest. That specific anomaly can produce the "Bubble" artifact, reducing radiation by a MEDIUM amount. It might take several tries but this artifact has no drawback and if I am not mistaken, counters artifacts with radiation build up.


Lil tips ive learned from moving around.

-The Cage east of slag heap has a pretty good early-mid game exosuit bring medkits because its a psi parkor challenge

- In most instances bandages are better than medkits. They stop bleeding the best, you will always find more, they're cheaper than medkits and weigh less. Keep 3-5 medkits on your person and 5-10 bandages.

-Have a backup weapon on standby. The skorp clone that takes 9×18 is my favorite for this purpose. You can get a custom skorp named spitter by doing a side quest in garbage. 

- A shotgun is the best for muties, always have a shotgun and a good supply of shells

-bloodsuckers and snorks cant hurt you if you are on higher ground. Find something to hop onto and watch em circle you like bandits on a hurt monolithian

-East of eastern checkpoint of lesser zone is a train depot that belongs to Noontide. There is a trader named quiet there and he sells mid to late game guns for a premium.

-being able to see your prey before they see you is a huge advantage. Attach a scope or find a gun with a scope to lug around for those certain situations


Goshdarnit, I had utterly forgotten about smashing boxes with the knife. I have probably passed 1,000 free rounds of ammo and 40 health kits. <beats head on desk>


Do not forget that there is a stash in every area 'safe zone' and the items transfer if someone might have not realised this.


God dammit i didn’t think to punch the medical boxes. I’m like 15 hours in and i kept thinking there should be something in them but they didn’t open on their own. I never thought to punch em. 🤦‍♂️


Gonna have to hang up my loot goblin sack for this one 😬🙈


Also in rostok, when you do the arena, your able to drop the weapons and armor they guve you to fight, then slowly kit it into the room with the guy who take the stuff back. Grab your stuff from the safe then turn around and grab  the loot you dropped. Got me a free 701super sniper and an amazing seva-v suit.


After equipping my first artifact I died of rads a couple of times before realizing what was happening lol.


For the smashing boxes tip....be very careful when smashing the green ammo boxes as they can contain Grenades that WILL go off if you accidentally hit them, I almost died to one because I was spam clicking.


One thing I like to do, is use PDA stashes as storage.  If you don't loot ALL the ORIGINAL stuff from the stash, the icon will stay on the map.  You can use this to store  all the extra stuff you find around the map in strategic areas to reduce travel.

Also that truck by the poppy field.  I like adding stuff to  it, and hear the guy brag about nice people brining booze and snaks.

And.. you want to keep the "Ball" artifact that you find a little ways from the rookie town, the one in the swamp that's sucking in water and you have to duck behind the trucks to get it.  It makes you super bullet spongey and tanky AF.


ALWAYS have a shotgun.+++ I’m 25 hours in and just realized how amazing they are lol. Saved me so much.


You can stash stuff in major hub areas safely next to a bed. They've done this since Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat so you can store stuff and prep a loadout for missions and collect artifacts. If you see a bed there will be a chest you can stash stuff in. The first area has one next to the merchant in the lesser zone.


Thank God for an actual tips video.  All the other are just "here is where to find the best gear early".. no,  that is not a play tip. That is a spoiler/walk through.


So funny these are coming out 1 day after release. 
Havent watched it yet but here's a pro tip, always keep vehicle's or high areas in your view. Run to them and jump on top when ganked by mutants 😀


Thanks mate! This game is a little different. I’m 6 hours in. Tip 15 is what I learnt on my own - no need fight everything! Just think about surviving.


Bloodsuckers, "dodge" to their left, works more than going right + jump.