
Here are some of my favorite Preservative Free Artificial Tears: https://youtu.be/gS3SVWRYvDk


I use Biotrue - Best eye drops I’ve ever used! And I had extreme dry eyes.


I use Blink with my contact lenses.  Thank you for the video!


We use thera tears for rewetting our soft contacts for years and it makes our eyes feel nicer. Have you tested this brand?


Thank you so much for your live about eye crossing👍 wish I didn't miss it😭 would be great to see your attempts☺ if you can :)


Thanks dr …. i wonder Could eye gel cause clogged glands?


As someone new to contacts, can I use both the rewetting AND artificial tears recommended together as my eyes feel irritated from the lenses as the day progresses? Do I need to stagger application? Many thanks…


Hi, doc, I have a question because I'm still new at wearing contact lenses, what do you recommend using if my eyes get dry while i'm wearing my contacts throughout the day? the rewetting drops or the artificial tear eye drops?


Still waiting for the best Monthly/daily contacts 2024 with best  value for money options ,hope you will bring it soon 🧡🧡🧡


How about if contact lenses cause iritation redness in eye …???


Doctor, please answer the question ivizia and theolose duo have exactly the same composition or not, if not, what is the difference and what works better?


I wear progressive eyeglasses. I recently got my eye exam including for contacts. I was given 2 pair of contacts to try, but since I am near and far sided, more far sided, I do not get to see 100% well with contacts. The Optometrist told me I would never get to see perfect with contacts because of my prescription. She wants to try to put a far sided lens on one of my eyes and on the other one a near sided now. I am not sure that is gonna work. Also, my eyes get severely dry with the contacts on. I will have to admit that contacts are not for me..... Please, advise.


Hi doctor plz make video about blepharitis if new treatment are available plzzz i am so frustrated with this😢😢


Are these good for scleral lenses?


The best eye drops are the German made Hylo Comod.
No preservatives.
Typical German precision.❤


How is biodrop Audrey?


Is there a limit to how many times per day you use the drops?   The video mentions 2-4 times per day


What abt for hard lens users


I was going to thumbs up, but then I saw you disabled your dislike button.
I dislike your video on principle alone.