
H4kpy, I am just going to be commenting on a lot of ur vids so u know who I am.
You probably know me for my couple of long comments of positivity.
You might not see this one or some of the others I commented (I’m about to comment bc I don’t know what else to do rn) because they’re older videos.
If u do see this though, just know there will be some other comments. This is my third sort of long comment on one of ur videos.
H4kpy, I love to see ur doing great. I’ll be commenting on my favorite videos that inspired me. Keep inspiring others. ❤
Every comment will have one question I want u to answer. This one’s question is, how tall are u?
Every comment will also have one suggestion, this one’s is: u should join TTT.
That’s it for this comment. Look out for other comments like this one 👍

This video has inspired me to get better at gtag. 🔥


W video love your  content trying to become as good as you


nice job on mosa jump


People have to much free time to learn this amount of skill level


little did he know, this would not be his peak.


0:24 i did that 3 times in a row wit 1 step im so coo


bro went from 600 to 1k in like 2 secs real gj :)


gorilla tag quest physics on steam vr make the game so like so heavy 😔


The S T A R 😊


at 26 seconds was that unity or what


I’ve been sube for long time


I like your vids


how do you have mod working plat tell me!


holu molulty


Chat this MIGHT be happy 🗣️🔥🔥🔥


whats your color code


Song name?