
James Worthy:  "Jordan made you look slow, but Bird made you look stupid."


Rodman still hating all these years later because he’s supposedly the best defender ever and Bird always smoked him. Bird’s still living in dudes head rent free.


Bird would be even better in today's NBA


Bird's road to the finals was much harder than the Lakers' road to finals


So glad I got to watch Larry,  Magic, & Jordan on t.v.😮. That will never happen again. 😢 Best basketball 🏀 ever!!! Today is just not as exciting 😢


Player, Coach, and Executive of the Year. He stands alone on the top.


Bird for about 4 years in the mid 1980's was as good as anyone who ever laced them up. & i was a Sixers fan.


Players today would want technicals called on Bird for taunting.. He's hurting our feelings by telling us the play ahead of time and then making the shot anyways...he's taunting us... 😂😂


Man these dudes are crazy! Do you understand how crazy good Bird would be in todays game? All he had to is stand behind the 3pt line a shoot open shots he would torch every team


Larry Bird is one of the greatest basketball players to ever play the game period !!!!


That’s such a big factor in today’s game - today’s players have not studied and learned from the past players. No development after high school.


Imagine Larry bird playing in a league where no 1 would be allowed to touch him


What I find ironic is they say he couldn’t play in today’s game. Well these crybabies couldn’t play in Larry’s day. Now you stub your toe you sit out four weeks. In the 80’s you played through pain and you had to be physical and ready to fight.


The Legendary Larry Bird was a man amongst men. His stats and championships speaks for itself.


Larry Bird was flat out good, I don't care what era it is. He would dominate any era.


Well Dennis Rodman, I witnessed bird kick your ass first hand , so , if he would be in Europe , you would be in Siberia!


The 80's Celtics/Lakers rivalry was the best I've ever seen. So evenly matched, two of the best players in their primes, one on each team, great supporting casts, and the games were so competitive. Bulls dynasty was the best once they got rolling, but they had no real competition to challenge them. Celtics/Lakers - flip a coin?
That matchup had you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. It was almost surreal.


Dennis Rodman was a great Rebounder and Defensive Player. But he has never been accused of being smart.


The intent behind Rodmans statement 
-quickest way to get his own name in the headlines


I was soooo fortunate, to have been born in1966, here in Cincinnati. Hoops wise, Boston and Larry filled that ONLY void (sports wise) that I had in between baseball and the gridiron. I consider myself EXTREMELY fortunate as a kiddo, then as a teen, to witness such greatness. It's like, everyone else on the court had "pushed in the clutch & down shifted" whenever Larry and Boston were on TV. After maybe, three years, I realized why. Because I was watching ABSOLUTELY UNEQUIVICABLY, the BEST hoops player ever. There simply was Larry and everyone else was fighting it out for #2 etc. etc. There has been NOTHING that has even been close, since he left and IMO - there never will be. Those were the most INCREDIBLE Celtic teams I have ever had the privilege of watching. Thanks Larry!!!!