
Hey Jamie! hope you are (being) great my friend... Great video to start the day! 🤍


Hi, i came across your channel a few months ago, since doing so learning about my own self I recently won the lottery. A small win in my 3d reality $5 which would usually make me feel negative feeling, but since working on myself within my own mind and self belief as if it was millions and millions. I am so grateful to follow god so he can show me you and others channels that make videos we can all follow❤🙏


I always just watch all of your other videos on repeat til you post new ones lol they just get me so motivated


You explained this so well… we really are the portal to what we desire, we just don’t always realize it


Thank you,you are magic. I hope to become a money magnet for a good purpose.


Wow, I really feel it deeply - authenticity is ours superpower! ✨💪💖✨


These videos are a source of endless inspiration ✨


I just want to say. Thank you so much. I’ve been watching your videos a lot lately. I used to take for granted the power of fun, bliss, and life force. My inner calling goes beyond anything my logical common hour mind could think of. Thank you for being that living example for us.


👌🙏 I love the word abandonment.. Gets me to my real authentic alignment.  And the child in me. And if people don't like me, the heck with them! I do't need anyone anyways.  I prefer nature, children and animals. 👌❤ Better circle


@jamielauder i love your natural videos!  i love your content and ❤.   your a star ⭐️. look forward to listening to you everyday!
the way you share your offerings is stellar. you can’t be like anyone else


Patienly waiting❤


Creator ❤❤❤


🔥🔥🔥🔥lets go jamie


Thank you, Jamie. Sending love and light to everyone. ❤️💫




I get glimpses of alignment.. it's like I immediately step onto the path..


Thank you ♥


Creative ❤❤❤🙏🙏


I felt this very much, thank you ❤
Felt like opening the windows again ✨️


Thanks Jamie! 🙏