
Taurus Demon's bristly demon fluff is highly flammable - weak to fireballs
Mildred's perfectly smooth skin is perpetually covered in swamp ooze and murder sweat - no chance of catching fire


Fun fact for this run, if you summon or are invaded by a player who has a +10 pyromancer flame in the blighttown swamp, quelana will appear even if you don’t have an upgraded flame!


Fun Fact: Smough is RIPPED under the armor. The concept art and the giant hammer he has


I'm pretty sure that the reason why the dragon crest ring works with pyromancy is cause pyromancys used to be known as fire sorceries and only became it's own thing after the witch of izalith became the bed of chaos,in fact the fire demon sage is the last fire sorcerer


12:10 It's a secret pyromancy spell called Void Flame. It burns things out of existence


Mildred is resistant to fire to make her more viable against quealag


8:54 Pyromancies are internally treated like Sorceries, so anything that "boosts sorceries" also boosts Pyromancies. The Bellowing does not boost Miracles, and it only affects direct damage spells, not weapon buffs or the poison Pyromancies.


Maneater Mildred is super resistant to fire because she's always bathing in Quelaag's lava pools.

Edit: I was joking at first, but now I'm convinced the developers gave her high fire resistance to stop her getting obliterated by lava during the boss fight.


I see this as less of a challenge and more of a fun play through. Still had a great play through of my own and enjoyed watching!


"A bare hand gets the job done regardless." Story of my life, eughghg :(


I am pretty sure that Black Flame in DS1 deals partially physical damage, so it should have worked against the fire-immune bosses.


this series made me immune to "Smoff"


Don’t mind me, just binging all your vids post-subscribe.

...btw 10/10 humor and music choice. Not often Metroid soundtracks get love nowadays.


Great stuff, you've got really high quality content for being such a small channel!


I’m excited for the thorn armour challenge


I think it's funny that you struggled against Kalameet, because with Power Within and an RTSR setup, it is possible to one-shot him with Chaos Fire Storm, I believe it's called. And Power Within is a pyromancy too, so it doesn't break the rules of this run.


Mildred has contracted a bad case of stupid. I died.


These vids are good but i cant get over "Smouf"


Content keeps getting better and better👍 I thoroughly enjoyed this


I would love to see a “Defeat darksouls using only weird mechanics” no extreme glitches of course but weird mechanics do probably count as minor glitches