I love the bits where a Huggbees screams in terror, presumably flees the set or dies, and a new Huggbees steps in to calmly continue narration. Shows real dedication.
Oh my God, our man Huggbees has brought back How It's Actually Made. This truly is a blessed day.
The 4-in-1 approach to this series is actually really strong, setting up punchlines for later use was fucking hilarious. I'll enjoy whatever you put out, but will absolutely enjoy more of this! thank you sir!
16:27 on is great. “White, yellow, borange, red, stink, movember, bloop, pertangle, racist green, mystery color, and even red again…”
As a hobbyist cheese maker, I can confirm that screaming "become cheese, damn you!" is an unironically common step.
8:13 "The shape goes into a shape press that presses the shape into a pressed shape" Truly phenomenal explanation
I'd like to point out that, because 'the leftover milk from the swiss cheese" was used in the hammer segment, and a hammer was used in the roller skate segment, I was genuinely under the impression that a roller skate was somehow involved in the creation of colored pencils.
"a single group of wax covered pencils is not a threat, and can be-" Dark Souls boss music begins
9:29 " then its off to a nice safe, cooling dip in the- OH MY GOD, OH JESUS!" That caught me off guard, holy hell.
What did we do to deserve this much perfection?
“The shape goes into a shape press that presses the shape into a pressed shape” caught me off guard and made me burst out laughing 😂
8:14 “the shape goes into a shape press that presses the shape into a pressed shape.” Poetry
i love how "how it's actually made" always starts off genuine, but progressively gets more ridiculous as the video goes on. it's such a flawless format
8:14 The shape goes into a shape press that presses the shape into a pressed shape
Ah yes, finally something to watch while eating my whole wheel of Swiss cheese while riding on my skateboard and playing with colored pencil crayons
9:35 the transition from the “WHAT THE- WHAT THE FUCK?” to continuing the narrative calmly is hilarious. also the fact that he can narrate this without laughing at all is impressive
19:05 "This pencil company makes its pencils out of wood as opposed to obsidian becuase that would be fucking stupid" had me rolling on the floor 🤣
I like how it starts normal but very quickly slips into madness
as a swiss cheese enjoying carpenter who is currently roller skating and drawing with pencils for no apparent reason I find this video very helpful in understanding myself, thank you huggbees.