It is said that the Salamanders still get to keep in contact & even visit their families.
Meanwhile Primaris Marines: "Like a newborn."
Dude, to follow 2 Aspirants' slightly varying journeys would be the best tv show. They cross paths every now and then, and we get to see diff worlds and chapter cultures pros and cons. Then when they finally become fully fledged it will be so rewarding. Final season they are working together, fighting demons in the DeathGuard (i think that's the one?)
Except if your a salamander then you get to see them grow old and die... That opened a new can of worms but at least you get to see them from time to time
I think i would die half way through training
I imagine they don't do anesthetics, do they?
This would make a good show
Sign me up cause this world is beating the shit out of me.
Thanks for the awesome content and great videos!!! Also, 64 views, and 43 likes. I know it'll level out later, I'm just surprised to see that many people actually hit the like button, compared to views. Most Shorts have 60 views and like 15 likes an hour in. Sorry for rambling, just cool to see you have alot of interactions from fans.
So.... its like star wars. But cooler. And the sith and jedi are all cyborgs with guns. And sometimes also space magic. This is a weird franchise I've stumbled upon.
What is the name of the comic?
Anyone know what comic those few comic panels were from?
It Remember me something
There were female aspirants depicted in this video...
The art at the beginning, some of them were girl aspirants. Are you being woke, tourist?
Why are you including women lol
Others have already pointed out that Salamanders do get to see their families, but another notable exception to standard recruitment procedures are the Blood Angels. On Baal, the aspirants come to them.
Hollowing Griffons can recruit from any world they desire 🫴