
> Grown women treated like adults 
> React like children


I'm tired of the womanification of the society. This is why 100% of societies through out history kept women at home.


These women had no issue with men being fired for refusing to take novel medical products.


Divorcing your husband: Empowering
Firing employees: Crime against humanity


1. Sip lattes
2. Go on social media to tweet "Orange Man Bad"
3. Look busy
4. Sip lattes
5. Go back home and prepare for the next strenuous day.

Here is their schedule


Listening to Musk talk about the purpose.
1. Are you alive.
2. Are you opening your emails.
3. Can you answer an email
4. Did you do ANYTHING last week

He knew that low bar would still eliminate 50% of the workforce.


As if 10,000 Karens cried out at once and were suddenly silenced. I fear something wonderful has happened.


Women and accountability don't really go together


The woman that said she is an accountant, and could not list 5 items of what she did in the last week should be fired.


I work at a female free company, it is so nice and peaceful. We work, we go home, no drama.


The majority of them are angry because they are being told to write "nothing" 5 times.


Remember that three days in Iceland when all the women went on strike and nobody noticed?  The same amount of work got done, the shops sold out of sausages and no complaints were filed to HR departments and government productivity increased...


This is basically the same thing as asking women what they bring to the table in a relationship.... How DARE anyone question their capabilities.


I work for the VA.... Yes we have had these emails 2 weeks in a row to put bullet points of what you did.... That is on top of the Maximo program that everyone is supposed to document every different job the person did thru the day, each day and how long it took them on each job ... Which.... Well this is government and redundant things is what they do. Anyway... My coworker and I discussed this email yesterday and both agree.... Is it that difficult to list just 5 things... That you did.... Thru the ENTIRE week??? Absolutely not..... Anyone who cries about this should be fired. The end.


I'm hearing the smallest violin in the world.


"I get behind on all my work because of this is email."
"What does your work consist of, exactly?"
"Stop harassing me!"


After the floods in Valencia (Spain), we learnt that 92.4 % of the budget of the red Cross, went to salaries. Less than 8% to help people in need.


Im learning to become a better bachelor. Women are making the decision very easy.


An email like that should take 5 minutes.  I've noticed that federal workers will never tell you what they did.  They will tell you what they are "in charge of".


...I'm an engineer, working for a DoD agency...been going into work since 2020...don't feel sorry for those who don't produce anything...