
His mistake was thinking he was somehow special.  He wasn't.  He was just another meal.  As soon as we get cocky and full of ourselves, common sense departs from us.


I'm born in Alaska and lived here my entire life.  We have one word to describe bear behavior.  Unpredictable.  We never get cocky about our relationship with wild animals unless we want to die.


I've never understood people who insist on treating wild animals like this.  Lions, tigers, bears, pythons.  It's not a matter of "if" but "when".


"thought he developed a bond with grizzly bears" bro thinks hes a disney princess


Moral of the story:
Leave wild animals alone in their habitat.
Do not disturb them.


He had so many warnings by experts and rangers. They even banned him at one time. The thing he should be blamed for is putting his girl friend in mortal danger.


From what I've read the bears that did Treadwell and his wife in weren't actually the local bears, but migrants passing through. These bears had no familiarity with either of them, and they looked like food to bears that had been traveling a while - and were very, very hungry. He'd been warned to ditch the area because they knew the migration and storage season for hibernation got wound up during that time. If the migrants didn't get them the local bears sooner or later would. Once those bears decided they'd make a great bit of trail mix, they had absolutely zero chance.

The bears had to be killed, too. Once an animal like that learns that humans are edible, they will always start seeking us out as easy prey and in a park like that, that's an unacceptable risk. So Treadwell's stupidity not only killed himself and his wife, but the actual bears he claimed to love so much.


His filming was NOT a documentary on bears, it was a documentary on mental illness.


Pisses me off when someone thinks they can befriend a wild animal.  Person gets killed by wild animal and wild animal gets shot because of someone's dumb decision.  One of the many reasons why wild animals should be left ALONE.


The ignorance and hubris of this man was unbelievable. No bear spray, ignoring warnings, thinking he's somehow the bear's friends, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Unreal. RIP to his girlfriend and the bears.


Bear: “I love you too with a side of salmon and maybe some berries."


The attack was never shown, but Timothy's head was gone. The bear ate it..
The bear killed the girlfriend too. 
Mr. Pacifist learned a fatal lesson in Grizzly Bears 101: always have a few big guns lying around, as well as a few tasers, ten sticks of dynamite, a flamethrower, and about three poison dart guns...


They were eaten in October.  The hunger increases right before hibernation.  It’s best to leave prior to that increase in hunger.  I work as an RN.  I took care of a man who who had survived an attack from a grizzly.  He balled himself up protecting his neck and abdomen.  The wounds from the swipes of the grizzly paws were absolutely huge!


Being mauled by a bear is one of my biggest fears even though I live nowhere near their natural habitat.


They weren't bears that he was "friends with.  They were bears who were looking for food.  He was camped right on a bear trail, with his camp site hidden so that the rangers couldn't see it and force him to move it.  He wasn't simply a bear enthusiast.  He was a nut case who pushed his luck around bears as far as he possibly could.


I think Timothy thought that the bears were humans in bear costume.


Something starts eating you alive it's a good sign the friendships over..


If someone wants to be careless with their own life, that's their business; but when someone is careless with the life of others, that's not just immoral; it's criminal.


If a Grizzly bear doesn't attack you, it simply hasn't realized you're edible yet.


Timmy was a friend of mine, we were in school together from Grammer to High School. He was a sweet guy. His parents were devastated