to live in an area where someone has this truck would be real nice... then to have a random soul walk up and say "i have one of these trucks, can i help you?" is awesome
I love how supportive Courtney is with everything. You are both awesome.
I may have actually made your dashboard. I worked for ATI in 2007 running the CNC Routers cutting those very dashes.
Dump the fluid and filter and flush the lines, then refill with Transynd TES 295. It will handle the heat better and the torque lockup will come back.
Stick to 45 mph, fit suspension seats and drop the tire pressures by 10 psi or maybe more when cruising unloaded. These trucks have a diesel fired heating system for the engine and transmission oil. It's unlikely this is on, but perhaps check it anyway. Pretty cool another owner walks up to offer help. Hope you took his number!
I bought 5 ton M813 6x6 and drove it 2380 miles home. These Military trucks are cool! Mine is a 1979 and has no computers on it at all and a very simple setup. I had first considered buying one of these 7 ton versions but they were $$$ pricey. My 5 ton has served me well. Best wishes and looking forward to your new toy get some use. Best wishes.
Courtney I am constantly amazed how you are so tuned into living on the edge and excited to doing it. Congrats. Youโre GOLDEN
Iโve owned military trucks and they all have some issues when they are taken out of mothballs. They have basic mechanical systems and they are overbuilt. So the problems that happened on that trip are not too unusual. Riley will be busy for a while fixing/ replacing hoses, checking electrical connections, and various other things. Keep a good attitude about this new to you acquisition and it will serve you well. Best Regards Your Pal Al
Definitely consider adding air seats. There are semi salvage yards
What an adventure! Way to stay cool. Thanks, Victor, for offering to help. Mom's look at the airport was priceless... Surprise, Shock, and then "Of Course they did".
Hello Riley, IN IRAQ, we had problems with Trans Cooler lines going bad collapse, and sometimes the trans cooler itself is not working and may be plugged up in the inner core. Sometimes, the PTO on the Side of Transmission may be engaged and not letting warning you it's on. I wished I was there to help you out to get her Going as it should The FM -10 OR SERVICE MANUALS will help 10 basic maint 12 lubrication and -24 maintenance repair manuals and parts MTVR TRACTOR.
I like that you don't panic when things go wrong. You stay calm and think it out. I'm sure you'll find out what's causing the trans problems.
I just LOVE the adventurous spirt you two have... NEVER loose it!!
Make a maintenance kit. Some filters, air hose and hose clamps, electrical wire, clip connectors, tester, fluids, straps. Just Stuff you might need.. it would be cool to see you weld up some exterior storage boxes.
Omg! Your wife is a gem, I would be very upset to expose my mom to that situation.:face-blue-wide-eyes::face-orange-raised-eyebrow:
Iโm so happy you guys got one of these!! There are very few maintenance videos on the MTVR! AND you guys have the best explainer videos out there ๐
Love this shit keep up this and I will be your biggest fan ๐๐๐๐๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ
I wanted to see that C series Ford Tanker fire truck! It looks like it was a diesel around 1985 maybe with the Ford Inline 6 diesel
The first thought I had with the built in diagnostic system was 1) Cool, that's a great idea; and 2) Wait, does it break down so often it NEEDS this available all the time?