
God I'm glad I didn't just hallucinate this show. It was my guilty pleasure for way too long, and I still sometimes go back to watch clips.


watching this at 9-10 years old, I legitimately thought these deaths were real and I went crazy at the finale when the ‘dead’ contestants all came back to life- not realizing how that is not possible at all.


literally have been WAITING for someone to cover this show....i think about this regularly......the mountain lion....the way dana says "ulisses..." thank u so much for this gift


This show was and still is a guilty pleasure. My family and I watched it every week when it came out and would try to solve the mystery along with the cast. Every once and a while I still binge all the episodes on YouTube. I remember being so sad that there was never a second season. I thought the season we did get was fantastic especially the casting of Giles. Rest in peace Don he was definitely the favorite in my household. Thank you for covering this obscure fever dream that was whodonnit. I’m glad there’s a corner of the internet keeping this show alive.


I was and continue to be OBSESSED with this show. I've rewatched an embarrassing amount of times


I love the bit where you leave in 2 of the intros to the character, "he looks like a hot little cowboy" and "who I also thought was attractive at 15"... yessss give us the punch ups!


I actually loved this i think it’s better than traitor


how does this video have so few views?? I was obsessed with this show and desperately hoping a season 2 would come after it had aired... never happened 😂 i recommend the RHAP recaps of this show for anyone wanting to reminesce and have a good laugh


SPOILER ALERT: Probably one of the weirdest whydunnits of the show was in the last episode when all the past members come back as people who hold clues and they are dressed how they were when they died. Ulysses is for some reason wearing an Indiana Jones-type ensemble complete with a whip despite the fact that that is not how he dressed when he died. His riddle also says he died in a way that he did not die (more specifically, that episode has a "red herring" death that turns out to not be the way he died and it says that he died this way). Nobody else's death story/costume was altered when they came back so I'm just like...did...did someone on the set think that he just looked good this way and really, really wanted to see him dressed up like that? I don't know.


I truly can't believe anyone else watched this show 🤣 i always thought it was just me and my sister lol. I honestly loved this show though, it was just so cheesy and fun! I also remember getting really invested in the Gino/Cam rivalry haha


WOW. i don’t know how but you’ve covered almost all my niches on your channel. including this super obscure show


Whenever I talk about this show people look at me like i’m insane, after a while i convinced myself it was a fever dream


i’m embarrassed to say i watched this when it came out with my parents and def thought ppl were actually dying


Literally no one I know in real life has ever seen this goddamn show and I was OBSESSED and also was maybe dtf Giles


I remember watching this, I wish it got a 2nd season. Granted I didn't like the final episode just because it felt more like a game show than a mystery show.


Thank you so much for this video 😭 I’ve been searching for this show for more than a decade at this point and was honestly starting to doubt that it even existed.


I remember this show oh my god. I found it from a random youtube video then watched all except the last one or two episodes I have no clue why. This really unlocked some memories


As a fellow person whomst cries at the drop of a hat— I must say thank you for the validation. 
Also love that the cop can’t hide his background. Typical


I can't believe there aren't more people talking about this show. I watched it when it aired and recently had my friend watch it for the first time. Now we're both mad there's no season two 💀


I rewatch this show all the time, I loved it and waited so long to hear about season 2