Great timing. I had a long think and bought an iMac 24 full spec for a similar setup as have an X17 for power stuff and all that is x86 windows applications for me such as SSRS but prefer Mac OS.
Killing it with the videos man!
Cool imacsetup. Cool video. ✌️
#iMacSetup Great video! Having your shooting setup all on a single stand is genius.
Cool setup 🇮🇪😎
hey terren going to see ur new video i saw ur prev desktop tour for which i posted a comment and u replied which was very sweet of u so gonna check this video out and i know its going to incredible even if its not for everyone cuz i love apple and love from india I started a channel due to reasons and in those some reason were ur motivational quotes Thank you TechyTech ( Saakruth Kandagatla )
What desk is this the Mickie? Just curious
#iMacSetup also WHTE Board?
Hey! Computer science drop out
Is your ethnicity Ethiopian?