This 14 minute video was more useful than some of the 1 hour videos on the topic and was so well structured that it felt like it was only 4-5 minutes. Well done, sir
if anyone is confused about the tip @5:06 about picking flowers for strength. The correct perk is "Leg day", which you can see he did have, but highlighted the incorrect perk.
The guns do have 1 advantage in combat over crossbows that can come in handy if you use them right. They stay loaded while holstered, you can have 3 (or even 4) loaded guns in your belt and shoot them off one after the other
This is probably the most helpful YouTube video I've ever watched. I was getting beaten up by every bandit from Troskowitz to Rocktower Pond, and Tomcat told me, "....and don't come back until you are better." I took notes on what the Neon Knight said - and wow - what a turnaround. I now have the Master Strike, and wiped out two guys on the way back to Tachov. I owe you Sir Knight at least a like and a subscribe and you now have both!
I like how they made dodging and positioning more important when fighting groups due to the increased importance of stamina. At a certain point in the first game, you’d have good enough gear where you can destroy any size group like a tank. But in the second, groups tire your stamina fast, so creating space, keeping most enemies in your pov and using the environment to your advantage is significantly more important, it makes the combat feel more satisfying and tactical
40 hours in. Haven't been to the Wedding 😂
I’m feeling quite hungry.
Sword, no shield, and master strikes .. great fun. It actually feels like fencing.
You’re telling me that Tomcat, the man I’ve been avoiding bc I just assumed he was a beginner swordsman with nothing new to show me, teaches you the most important skill when it comes to using my main weapons of long swords? Well 30 hours in I guess it’s time to pay him a visit.
Love all the in-game lines strewn around your videos, they're funny and add a distinct flavor to the whole thing!
You can also choose different types of clinch finishers if you’re given the option of different directions in the rosette. For example, in unarmed clinches, you can choose left (arm lock), down (trip), or right (palm strike). This especially matters because with the perk Ringenmeister, you can initiate an arm lock, then attack again to initiate a riposte + block QTE to choke out your opponent, which is an instant KO against even the toughest unarmed opponents.
This was the best explanation for combat, I was struggling hardcore and was doing research and everyone talks about the masterstrike but not the clenching or the head bonking. This video has made me from being scared to face peasants even though I have almost full plate armor to confidently taking out multiple enemies.
This is the first video I have seen of yours and it was extremely well structured and informative. Instant sub.
Best combat video out there. Compact, comprehensive, and entertaining. Super well done.
Thanks for the tips. Going to give it a try. Right now, I feel lucky to win a sword fight.
Combat in this game is alot of fun and it looks so good too, compared to sword fights in other RPG's where its just slashing untill either you or the enemy dies.
I was debating getting this game for a number of reasons. Combat was one of them. Really glad you made this video.
I played through kcd1 when it launched and recently replayed it the last couple months. There are still some... training scars and muscle memory issues I'm working through with kcd2. Thank you for highlighting the riposte action and clinch maneuver. I have just been abusing master strikes in the early game. (BUT I WANT TO DO COMBOS) I'll spend a few hours with the trainers this weekend to get some better flow going. Appreciate your hard work NK!
Really nicely put together! I particularly like the ‘don’t overthink it’ tip.