
Links from this video:
Carryon luggage: https://bit.ly/4eIY3By
My sweater: https://bit.ly/3Z9n96C
Gray backpack (15.6): https://bit.ly/3P9VVIK
Tote bag: https://bit.ly/3zruEwB
Waist band with pockets: https://bit.ly/4gaTf9u
My necklace: https://bit.ly/4eBiHn9
My bracelets: https://bit.ly/3ZmLGFE
My earrings: https://bit.ly/3NbjT5c
Crossbody bag: https://bit.ly/4bkXexs
Purse strap: https://bit.ly/3ZVvHyr

Other travel tips videos:

✈ Packing for a Winter Wonderland? Grab this 20 page eBook packing list: https://bit.ly/eBookWinterPackingList

⚠ Travel insurance for flights: https://bit.ly/TravelFlightsInsurance
💊 Medical insurance when traveling: https://bit.ly/TravelInsurMedical
🌎 Tap here to see my Amazon travel essentials: https://www.amazon.com/shop/traveltipsbylaurie
👚 Tap here to see my travel outfits: https://bit.ly/LaurieTravelOutfits
😬 Never flown before or in a REALLY long time? Start here: https://bit.ly/TipsHaveNeverFlown


Travel insurance is a must. My sister went to Greece last summer. She fell there, broke her arm and had to have surgery in Athens. Travel insurance paid for it all. You don't need it.....until you do.


I fly 30 to 40 times a year all over the world and here’s my tip hack.  I always bring a jacket or coat (winter) with zip pockets with me no matter the time of year. It has a few benefits one is you can put your passport and phone inside the pocket and zip it up quickly right after the TSA check and right before you put it through the machine.  Most of the time the jacket is drapped over my arm while walking through the airport. The majority of the international flights going to the USA especially requires you to have your passport out at the gate for the attendants to check so having a jacket or coat drapped over your arm to unzip the pocket to show your passport and then quickly put back in your zipped pocket for safe keeping without the fuss of putting it in your bag.  The other benefit is it can get cold on some of those flights especailly on overnight long hauls so having a jacket comes in handy especally some of those airlines have tissue like blankets and yet you can quickly take on and off.  Some international airports in colder or hotter climates don’t regulate very well so it’s best to have a jacket that you can put on or take off with ease especially waiting at customs.  Happy traveling 😊


I love this lady so much , her advice and info is very clear and thorough she also gives that motherly vibe and calms my nerves before traveling


I was once delayed in Heathrow by fog for two days before a river cruise. Our travel insurance paid for our hotel rooms, meals, limo to the ship and reimbursed us for two days of the cruise - in total $3000. So it’s one of those things that you hope you never need, but are really glad if you do need it.


Double check your gate on the Big Board. Don’t depend on what is printed on your boarding pass.😊 I have had my gate change 3 times for one flight


I recently left my phone by my seat on a VIA Rail trip from Montréal to Ottawa. I only found out the next morning when I woke up and could not find my phone anywhere.
I rushed back to the train station, reaching there at 6:30 am, and went up to the ticket counter. I said I thought I had left my phone on the last train in the previous evening.
She immediately said "Is it a Google Pixel?" Some crew member had handed it in to the counter.

I was able to unlock the phone with my face, and she gave it to me.

I was lucky that time. Since then, I've tried to be very, very careful with my phone.


I wear a travel vest and put my wallet, prescription medications, power bank  with the apprpriate cable and my phone in the pockets. This way, if I end up on one of the extremely rare flights that has a problem serious enough to cause an emergency evacuation I'll still have the items that are critical to my health (medications),  communicating with getting help, family, and friends (phone), and being able identify myself and pay for any essentials I need. Plus, since I am literally wearing these items in zippered pockets they're a bit less likely to be stolen.


I always make a point to arrive earlier then I need to. I would rather sit and relax for an extra hour or two, rather then be in a hurry. My airport doesn't require you to take anything out, but I am still prepared to do so.  I always check in as soon as they allow me to. I always just do carry-on but I still need to learn to pack less


I work for one of the mayor airlines and you're spot on .
I don't travel much but I over pack almost my bedroom in my suitcase. 😂 I never learn


I have decide to check a bag and just take my personal item on the plane.  One reason is with so many people traveling with carry on bags only, the aircrafts do not have room for all the bags. The second reason is I am 5’ 2” and have difficulty getting my bags up in the overhead bin.  I think I will stress doing this way.  Enjoy your videos so much.


I’ve seen so many channels about tips for long haul flights. Usually they are worthless. I’m especially worried about getting robbed and sleeping. Everyone but you have said “I sleep fine on the plane so…” and give no info. Yours was very helpful. I especially loved the small thin bag you wear under clothing to keep your money and passport on you. I want to travel solo and don’t want to have to take my full carryon every time I go to the bathroom. Brilliant! So thank you thank you! Subscribing and watching all your videos for sure!


BIGGEST MISTAKE IS WE ARE LOOKING AT DEPARTURE TIME. WE SHOULD BE LOOKING AT BOARDING TIME. The doors closes 20 minutes before the departure time. The plane departs when the plane is taking off.


3 tops, 3 layers, 3 bottoms = 27 outfits! Just make sure everything can go together 😊


I have this whole routine and system for how I prepare to go through security. A friend who doesn't travel thought I was crazy. Then she traveled once and I showed her my way again to help her prepare. She reluctantly followed it and then told me afterward it was the best thing ever.


Great tips Laurie. On the liquids issue, we were nearly caught out on a trip to Rome this summer. At the outgoing airport we were able to carry more liquids and were not confined to the little plastic bag rule. When we departed from Rome in the way back, the liquids rule was strictly enforced, due to the older scanners being used. Fortunately I could off-load some of my liquids into my husband’s luggage allowance 😊. Never assume the rules will be the same in both directions….


All great tips.  The tip I always use if I’m checking in a bag is put a set of clothes and underwear in my carry on bag 👍🏼


Thanks Laurie, particularly about the early boarding issue.  One additional travel tip - if you travel more that once or twice a year, many travel insurance plans offer an annual plan - which is more cost effective.  In addition, for people who have Medicare, Medicare does not cover issues internationally, so medical travel insurance is a necessity (either that or lots of cash!).


I am loving your videos. I used to be a ski guide and holiday travel rep 40 years ago, so was very aware of travel hacks, security etc. now i'm 75, disabled and going to a reunion in Greece. I am determined not to be a target, and i am learning so much from your videos. I had no idea so many 'liquids' are now available in solid form. Ive just ordered solid hand cream, facial dry cloths, solid shampoo (for grey hair!), and conditioner, toothpaste tablets (had no idea toothpaste was a liquid!). Now I'm looking up solid make up, sun protection and facial scrubs. Then i'm going to cut all the bars in half to save space and weight. Thanks so much for waking me up to modern travel. Jo in France 🇫🇷


Laurie, my parents taught me well, I have always gotten to the airport no less than 3 hrs. pre-flight, but now thanks to your tip, I arrive 3 hrs. pre-boarding time (4 if international). And if I have to make a connection internationally, I always book w/a at least a 3–hr. layover—passport control can be worse than TSA lines!
Thanks for all of your trips & I hope you & yours have a wonderful New Year! 🎉