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Demi commented the infamous “Stay away from her. Get a job.”  on Stalker Sarah’s page. I never knew that was the origin.


Teenage girls with unrestricted internet and a lotta free time are THE most powerful people, hands down


Comparing Stalker Sarah to men who take pictures of fish they’ve caught 😂💀


The power of a teenage girl pursuing her interests cannot be underestimated. 🙌🏻


What did Sarah’s dad do that HE had time to spend 40 hours a week doing this, while also homeschooling his daughter?? That’s the biggest mystery!! Lol


She reminds me of that girl in elementary school that would compulsively lie about their life outside of school except she actually sort of did the things


She is the ultimate networking boss. Networking events fear her.


Stalker Sarah’s story is fascinating and fun but one of her is enough and shouldn’t be repeated


She is the most Y/N person to ever exist


I've been chronically online for 20 years and somehow I've never heard of her until very recently. And I had no idea that Demi's famous "get a job" was about her lol.


Kylie dressing up as Sarah is a fact I did not know but now that I do, I’m amazed


She's got capybara vibes and doesn't visually register as a predator/threat so it flies under the radar when you start seeing her everywhere, despite the 40+ hours a week of stalking your every footstep.


"i have no idea what the game is, but she seems to be winning a lot" sums her up so perfectly


Stalker Sarah seems unhinged. Polite but unhinged. Big "but I'm a nice guy" energy.


WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE IS IN A ONE DIRECTION MUSIC VIDEO?! Like, accidentally? Did she sneak herself in there? Was it her villain- err, stalker origin story?


My mouth literally dropped open when you mentioned the fact that she’s in the WMYB music video. This absolute LORE that I didn’t know!!! I had to go check for myself 😅 thank you as always for expanding my knowledge of internet trivia that I will then convey disjointedly to my very confused and patient husband 😂


I can’t believe this is where the infamous “stay away from her” came from . HERstory


Honestly, Sarah found her angle and she fucking worked it. The consistency of these photos is iconic


I, a nobody, who only just learned of Stalker Sarah in this moment: omg I wonder if Stalker Sarah has a photo with me