The drill strat was funny while it lasted. Imagine being this big ancient guardian then getting your ass kicked because 4 people decided to bring their Ryobi.
They left me In a castle, a rat castle and rats make me crazy
Is no one going to mention just how epic the last fight was? Especially the third (I think?) phase at 41:23 It has everything - BANGER music, a huge boss, millions of clutches and revives by EVERYONE, PARRYING THE BOSS, and honestly the coolest moment in the vid at 42:52 when actual plot armor happens. And then the last "It's not looking good", followed by being curb stomped by the boss. This sequence FEELS like a final boss battle in some DND campaign. I love that so much. Im so happy that I watch these fellas :)
Nah the editor deserves a raise just for that last fight alone.
the flom "YOU CAN PARRY HIM!" moment was already really cool mid stream, but with the editing and music was so much more epic
Smitty having no eyes makes too much sense, explains why he's so good at predictions and he's a milk bag, they don't have eyes
28:28 Okay but Flom (or maybe Eli idk which one it is) saying "it looks like a goat" and everyone judging him BUT IT'S LITERALLY THE SYMBOL FOR ARIES - IT IS LITERALLY MEANT TO BE A GOAT
23:46 I love the little hi from the editor
the music that was playing at 41:24 made the boss fight 100x more epic
16:57 holy crap that was a jump scare lmao and that boss fight music was bangin btw so epic
0:25 i don't understand why smii7y is acting so suprised when the most beloved black ops entry with zombies had you turning into a squid monster while also fighting off meatballs and wizards
Crazy, I was crazy once they locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rats, rats make me crazy
35:25 I love how they all reacted to him saying “they make me crazy” knowing damn well what he was referencing
2:50 Soldier laugh
5:50 im pretty sure it said SOS
"Is he still talking?" Perfect question from the guy who can't seem to register when someone talks to him or gives him instructions.
Love how the first thing he says when he loads onto the map is Reinhardt, forget he still plays overwatch
The first 30 seconds had me thinking "Ooh more smii7y modded zombies yaaay" him saying that this is actual bo6 had me so surprised
0:44 famous last words.