
A soap ad in an overwatch video has to be the most perfect marketing strategy


>Riot removes Hextech Chests
>Blizzard brings back lootboxes

The law of equivalent exchange


Dick vs Balls was a battle for the ages


Who knew simply not giving a company money would work


In 2079 Marvel Rivals unplugged their game and in response Blizzard will release Overwatch 3 and remove lootboxes.


The Watch is finally Over


Paladins died for overwatch to get perks, hextech chest died for loot boxes.


Story has been written a million times. The toxic ex changing because you found a better girl.


Overwatch 2 has finally updated to Overwatch 1!


I can't wait for Sony to release Concord 2


Charlie advertising his soap brand saying it will help find love is like a snake oil seller from 1876 trying to get you to buy his product


As much as loot boxes are a cancer to most games, I feel like Overwatch actually had that one thing right. It was pretty easy to earn free ones and that made it a fun little bonus every so often.


Riot is removing hextech chests, Overwatch is bringing back lootboxes


For those confused, you cant buy the lootboxes with money. Its purely f2p


Paladins: removing 3rd person
Overwatch: adding 3rd person


Old Overwatch lootboxes were the best. Every 3 matches you got one for free and it was always exciting.


Porn is probably the biggest reason why Overwatch has survived this long.

Edit: Lol I'm seeing a lot of "gooner this, gooner that" in the replies, and not a lot of "this is why you're wrong." You OW simps are gonna have to do a lot better than that.


The apple approach: take away basic things that everybody knows, and then slowly reintroduce them back as "features".


0:18 Madden in one sentence


Doesn’t help for the fact that Twomads soul is haunting the game