I feel like Eddie would get along with spirits in the Conjuring house, bro is just such a lovable guy not even the dead could hate the dude.
Their reactions are better than others like they don't just sit there and watch the vid they actually talk about stuff and share their experiences and how they'll do something if they go to the conjuring house against
I love how logical Eddie is, especially when debunking stuff like this.
Targeting Eddie and Bella maybe because they’re more sensitive people, so they’re easier to mess with(edit) it makes sense as that would also be why Abigail has been reassuring to both of them, let them know they’re safe and she’s with them
You guys missed the creepiest bit: at 1:35:45, watch behind Sam's legs when he goes in front of the basement door. You see a head peek up.
Mully being upset at them messing around even though he did the same thing is hilarous.
6:26 I agree with Eddie, Mully's shenanigans is hilarious 😂
Eddie bows out often because he’s clearly an empath and gets emotionally overwhelmed long before anyone else. You can see how drained he gets easily. Hope he can learn how to protect his energy going forward.
46:25 when Abigail says “Light” she could mean that they can see a different set of frequencies of light than us mere mortals, just a thought
I love how they had to go over the same question three times because Josh kept talking over it when they said it lmao
Mully wanting to hate crime Larry the entire video is so funny
Im just enjoying how much jokes you guys crack when making a video💀
I love how Larri is constantly comforting Bella 😂
You may have missed it in one of the videos (or it was in the uncut debunking), but everywhere they go, they explained it to the ghosts as to how to communicate with them.
I Really Wanna See The Boys Go Bach To The Conjuring House. The Last One Was Spot On ✨✨
I literally loved the series on Sam and Colby channel but watching you guys react to it it’s kinda like us watching it with you guys it’s more entertaining 😂❤
49:40 In the full video Sam and Colby posted on their reaction channel trying to debunk Cody and Satoris method they explain to the ghost how to do the ABC method before starting it
I'm pretty sure the conjuring house didn't trust you enough to do rituals because of Mully shadowboxing Abigail.😂
In this episode, and episode two, I have a little thought. I think when they’re doing the Estes method the “ghosts” may be talking to each other. Like telling each other things. Especially in the woods in ep 2. I don’t think they were talking to the group at all. I think they were talking to each other, and Colby was accidentally overhearing them. Hence one of them saying something like “over there, there’s 3. It’s just a little theory, and I just wanted to share