
When I was little my grandmother told me that angels play the guitar. It is true!!!!


She quickly became my favorite classical guitarist of all time.


When a musician is One and the Same with their instrument - like Ana - listeners are  in heaven without needing to die.


I first came across her on the internet in 2014 when looking for a version Lauro's Two Venezuelan Waltzes. Her version floored me and gave me a new appreciation of a piece I already loved. Since then, I've had the joy to hear her with an orchestra and again in a solo performance in a small setting after which I got to meet her briefly, but enough to be impressed by her friendliness and humility. Both performances hypnotic and so moving. She truly seems one with the music and invites us along a beautiful and evocative aural journey. Don't ever miss an opportunity to see this world class talent live!


How in the WORLD does she remember a solid hour of endless notes? Exquisite skill and amazing memory!


How anyone can sit there and play like that for an hour without messing up any notes is beyond me


Her precision is astonishing, incredibly fluid playing. Every note is as clear as a bell.


I had the good fortune to go to one of her concerts in a small place in Texas.  She is as lovely and humble in person as you see here. Her performance was unbelievably flawless, and moving.  The hidden tens of thousands of hours of practice and performance behind her amazing gift are what it takes to achieve this perfection.  Classical guitarists don't usually have retirement funds.  My dad was one, and struggled until he died.  If you love this incredible woman, as so many do,  contributions are always welcome.  Buy an album, she doesn't charge for this concert, but we all have the privilege to hear it up close.  I believe she is the best guitarist that has ever lived.  Segovia, move over!  Thank you Ana!


Thank you to all who attended the live premiere!


Whoever made that request, I thank you and Ana for playing it so Beautifully.


I love football, but makes me more proud of being Croatian the fact that Ana Vidovic knows to play Bach in such a beautiful fashion than all the glory of the Croatian Football Team....


The most beautiful woman I ever saw play the most beautiful guitar I ever heard God bless you


Today is my first day of listening to Ms. Vidovic. I an breathless. Glory be to life for guiding me to her.


Absolute joy to watch and listen to. Extraordinary that she took an audience request and played it to perfection.


2 yrs late to the concert- I can’t believe I missed this masterpiece of a performance. I’ve been following Ana’s career since she was a child and you will not find a more musical guitarist. The comment that her guitar is an extension of her MIND is absolutely correct. Her voice separation is uncanny  -she often sounds like an ensemble.  That goes far beyond just “technique”.


Excellent, I never get tired of listening to it!


Her phrasing , touch and control are on an unbelievable level . A grand master of her craft.  Brava


Tactile and exact playing. Wow. Even a special request at the end! My goodness!


I've played piano for 57 years and guitar for 45 years, and played world tours in times past, on multiple instruments. The goal was to play flawlessly. 

In this video, Ana makes it appear that one actually CAN play flawlessly. Never heard one single mistake, though wasn't listening to criticize. Was listening to enjoy. 

What makes her a true master is in her ability to evoke the spirit and emotion of what the composer was intending to convey to the listener. 

As well as accuracy. Nothing makes a musician cringe more than hearing mistakes where accuracy is of the utmost priority. 

Ana is to be commended for performing one of the most soul stirring ACCURATE concerts I've ever heard.

Literally put down the guitar in 2011 after evil people tried to destroy my life, and put the guitar away even more, after they ended Papa's life in 2014. There was no desire to play anymore. 

So... after 13 years of not playing... and sounding like a pure amateur now, got forced by wifey to do a home recording of an original gospel song 6 weeks ago for the family of her dear deceased friend, for them to play the video for their funeral in another country. 

Honestly, it sounded so amateurish. 

When playing a 6 country, Europe guitar concert tour in 2004, 17 concerts, ended up practicing for 6 hours per day, playing every set through, and playing the whole concert through, a total of 4 times per day, and practice on problem sections that needed work, increasing from the normal 80% proficiency (with years of playing only 3 hours per week) to 90% proficiency in the first 2 weeks. It took 5 months and 2 weeks more to get to 97% proficiency, and could not pass that point... Playing the best ever in my life. That's how hard it is to try to achieve perfection.

Without playing for 13 years, and now playing at about 70% proficiency now, it's like a 4th year student. Not good.

What you are hearing now is someone who has achieved 99%, which is nearly impossible. Ana is among a few dozen IN THE ENTIRE WORLD who have attained to this level of playing. 

You're witnessing a miracle.

(Edited for grammar)


BachScholar approves! Such effortless and natural playing! Such beauty!