
L04 code with ours was the DEF purge being interrupted.  Make sure on shut down the DEF is completely purged before shutting off the battery disconnect. You’ll hear the pump shut down.


2024 seems, has been a good year for you Chirs. Not too much rain and enough to let you burn. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.


The amount of work you do, by yourself is amazing. You are a joy to watch and I love seeing these machines work for you (even when they hiccup). Thanks for sharing, Chris. This was fun.


Every time Chris says im not sure if im gonna more to the fire....the next clip is an inferno. Gotta love it.


34:53 Wrap some potatoes in foil, and toss them in the coals to make awesome LetsDig18 Baked Potatoes!


I See a new to you Pre-Emissions Dozer in your future, Talk to Clint and have him go thru one for you so it ready to roll.


10:06 - With that much smoke, this site is sending a clear message "heavy-duty work in progress"🔥


You get support on the line... and their repair aura was strong... and it fixed the issue over the phone :)


I think old equipment is better than all these computers in the new machines


You need to get Clint to find you a good old school dozer with no Def, these new machines are a pain in the butt.


DEF sensors, it’s always the gift that keep on giving! Sorry to hear about it and hope the dealer can get it up and running soon!!


Hope you figure out dozer issues. Thank you for sharing your work with us.💖😎💖


"Staring at it ain't going to fix it tho"


I hate intermittent problems.  Sooner or later that dozer is going to let you down.  As always, thanks for sharing.




Get rid of the Komatsu with all the emissions stuff on it , Speak with C&C equipment I am sure they could find you a low houred Dozer  of suitable size without any emissions systems on it.  There are quite a few suggestions inline on how to clear the L04 code, however I am sure you have tried them all already.


Thanks for the video Chris like it and for the dozer , Well  its that with the new Machine .


Dang if you do,dang if you don’t, oh how I get that. I would hate to see you let go of one of the bigger dozers, but I can see it sure would be nice to have a back up grade out dozer. You will work it out, stay the course, you’re still making progress. Thanks for the update, enjoyed watching.


Hi Letsdig18, this is my favourite YouTube channel. From one of your favourite kiwi YouTube watchers.✌️


Better go get the C  A T  LOL    Get the 7 and call Wilson  lol