Two Izzet Niv Mizzets hi-fiving as they combo your opponent out just by existing together and almost literally anything happening.
hare apparent might be the most flavor-appropriate card ever to get the "any number of copies" clause
New Tinybones + Wheel of Fortune = Everyone else in the Commander game gets a new hand. I get four new hands.
Kathlene no! Ravnica might look nice from the aesthetics and the fact they have coffee, but it's actually one of the worst planes to live! Most people on the plane are Guildless. And being Guildless means you are not protected by the law. They can even be murdered by a guild member without any recourse. And if a Rakdos cultist doesn't kidnap you and skewer you for fun, expect at some point to be detained or sentenced to death by the Azorius for breaking a law you didn't know existed. And then after you die there's still no peace as your soul is taken and forced into hard labor by the Orhzov for a debt you never remember taking. Ravnica is up there with Dragons-timeline Tarkir in terms of planes you never want to live.
“What year did Zendikar come out?” “I don’t wanna talk about it.” RELATABLE.
I started plying magic around 25 years ago back at high school so I'm been in long time. But not as impressived how it's turning out watched you guys on youtube way way back all those standed videos of comady in the house. It was a such a great show you did thank you so much
Delightful as always!
"Can you deck yourself in commander" the answer, as someone with a mono-U draw cards deck, is yes. Very much so.
Caught these in the VOD, but dropping some engagement because I love the crack a packs
Kathleen, if it makes you feel better I started playing when Revised was the current set... And tinybones carrying skeleton keys is a nice visual easter egg.
Algorithmic Tap!
White has two now it has the knights from assassin's Creed and now hare apparent from foundations
As one of the homonculus horde... just wanted to say I added the 69th thumbs up!
8:32 Except they apparently decided that ability by itself wasn't quite enough, and stapled the Reliquary Tower to Niv-Mizzet!
Kathleen referring to her young self as a boomer makes this guy feel even older than normal. I was an adult already when I started with unlimited.
Niv-Mizzet probably; "Full send"
Omg foundations got CE packs? I didn't even think about that.
oooh I could really use the Painful Quandry in my Yarok, the Desecrated commander deck.