I live in Australia, it’s amazing watching the sun rise at the beach. ❤
I wish I was there 😢❤😢
This was hilarious! You’re killing the game, keep it up!
No pole sounding different lmao
You are ethereal Niki!!!~~~
Australia is truely beautiful although u have to go certain places to see kangaroos out in the wild depending on where u live in Australia but it truely is a beautiful place, but I still love Japan and France even though I have never been ❤
Yes broo I always wanted to go to Australia and see the kangaroos😂😂
I live in Australia for two years now and I have never seen this view before ❤❤
As an Aussie trust me I swear kangaroos are not this common😂😅
I will make sure to turn into a kangaroo if I go to Australia 😊 not sure if I will have time after being a big spider to scare tourists to whatever
It’s all fun and games until you feel 8 legs on your shoulder
OMG I LIVE IN AUS!!! Where is that????
Hell nah I ain’t getting fought by no kangaroo or killed by some spider💀
Aussie crew 👇🇦🇺
they’re over populated